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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A mixed methods study protocol to identify research priorities for perioperative medicine in Australia Wallace, Sophie K.A.

8 C p.
2 A Monte Carlo simulation study comparing the up and down, biased-coin up and down and continual reassessment methods used to estimate an effective dose (ED95 or ED90) in anaesthesiology research Fils, Jean-François

8 C p.
3 Anaesthetist prediction of postoperative opioid use: a multicentre prospective cohort study Taylor, Kieran

8 C p.
4 Complications and consequences: short-term harm has long-term impact Jackson, Alexander I.R.

8 C p.
5 Editorial Board
8 C p.
6 Effect of general anaesthesia with remimazolam versus propofol on postoperative quality of recovery in patients undergoing ambulatory arthroscopic meniscus repair: a randomised clinical trial Tang, Lili

8 C p.
7 Heart rate recovery after orthostatic challenge and cardiopulmonary exercise testing in older individuals: prospective multicentre observational cohort study James, Aaron

8 C p.
8 Hypotension Prediction Index software alarms during major noncardiac surgery: a post hoc secondary analysis of the EU-HYPROTECT registry Kouz, Karim

8 C p.
9 Impact of acute kidney injury on major adverse cardiovascular events in intensive care survivors Andonovic, Mark

8 C p.
10 New onset postoperative depression after major surgery: an analysis from a national claims database O'Gara, Brian

8 C p.
11 Predictors and outcomes of perioperative cardiac arrest in children undergoing noncardiac surgery Foz, Carine

8 C p.
12 Primary perioperative haemodynamic effects of ß-receptor blockade in patients with catecholamine-secreting tumours Groeben, Harald

8 C p.
13 Refocusing on work-based hazards for the anaesthesiologist in a post-pandemic era Nelson, Olivia

8 C p.
14 Regional anaesthesia training in the UK – a national survey Bellew, Boyne

8 C p.
15 The nature of consciousness in anaesthesia Montupil, Javier

8 C p.
16 Trail making test B in postoperative delirium: a replication study Fislage, Marinus

8 C p.
17 Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the quality of Recovery-15 questionnaire in a Spanish-speaking population in Colombia Echeverri-Mallarino, Verónica

8 C p.
18 Validation of a convolutional neural network that reliably identifies electromyographic compound motor action potentials following train-of-four stimulation: an algorithm development experimental study Epstein, Richard H.

8 C p.
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland