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1 |
Anaesthesia and microlaryngeal surgery: Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange: an approach with benefits
Mittimanj, Kavya |
4 |
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2 |
An audit of DrEaMing at Lister Hospital before introduction of the colorectal enhanced care pathway
Bose, Sumitha |
4 |
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3 |
An initiative to improve theatre recovery care for obstetric patients: an obstetric checklist and escalation pathway
Chinduluri, P. |
4 |
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4 |
Are neck of femur fracture patients on direct oral anticoagulants at risk of delayed surgery? A 2-year audit
Rathod, Nitesh |
4 |
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5 |
Assessing the effect of using remifentanil–propofol mixture versus propofol alone on the movement of paediatric patients undergoing lumbar puncture: a single-centre experience
Alomari, Yasmeen |
4 |
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6 |
Audit of effect of spinal diamorphine and patient outcome
Hewawasam, G.G.C. |
4 |
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7 |
Challenge of individualised risk assessment in a tertiary hospital
Johnson, A. |
4 |
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8 |
Collaborative approach to the emergency management of post-thyroidectomy haematoma
Parrott, N. |
4 |
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9 |
Communication of perioperative anaphylaxis under general anaesthetic to patients and within the multidisciplinary team
Wang, Bingxuan |
4 |
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10 |
Cutting carbon, cutting costs: a quality improvement project increasing volatile anaesthetic efficiency
Chitnis, Simon |
4 |
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11 |
Developing a new preoperative iron-deficiency anaemia service for major gynaecological surgery – improving multiple patient outcomes
Holmes, J. |
4 |
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12 |
Ditch the desflurane: a survey in a district general hospital
Pegman, Lydia |
4 |
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13 |
Effect of digital health coaching on self-efficacy and lifestyle change
Powley, N. |
4 |
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14 |
Efficacy of waste management in paediatric theatres
Dean, Ania |
4 |
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15 |
‘Equip with PQIP’: mini sessions to increase awareness about the Perioperative Quality Improvement Project among ward nurses
Ali, Muhammad |
4 |
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16 |
Establishing the surgical enhanced care unit at Chorley District Hospital
Pollington, Claire |
4 |
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17 |
How can cardiopulmonary exercise testing data from pre-COVID help us improve post-COVID?
Stoney, B. |
4 |
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18 |
Identifying barriers to the use of total intravenous anaesthesia: a pan-London multi-centre survey for the assessment of clinician rationale
Foulkes, Jessica |
4 |
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19 |
Identifying modifiable risk factors in patients who develop postoperative delirium
Horsburgh, Lauren |
4 |
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20 |
Impact of Enhanced PeriOperative Care in restoring high-risk surgery at an acute tertiary hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic
Shah, V. |
4 |
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21 |
Impact of the pandemic on postoperative anaemia in patients admitted to critical care after radical cystectomy
Haines, Annette |
4 |
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22 |
Implementation and acceptability of anaesthetic agent capture technology
Cafferkey, John |
4 |
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23 |
Implementation of a surgical prehabilitation pathway at a tertiary surgical centre during a global pandemic
Wong, Heung-Yan |
4 |
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24 |
Implementing capnography monitoring in recovery units: barriers and solutions
Rana, Saarah |
4 |
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25 |
Improving patient safety in relation to airway management in a busy London emergency department: addressing issues with the availability and quality of advanced airway equipment
Morillon, P. |
4 |
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26 |
Improving safety of intra-hospital transfers by introducing documentation and risk assessments for critical care intra-hospital transfers
Kadiwar, Akash |
4 |
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27 |
Improving the perioperative pathway of patients with diabetes undergoing surgery – a quality improvement project
Saini, Shalini |
4 |
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28 |
Integrated multidisciplinary approach to surgical prehabilitation
Elfaioumy, A. |
4 |
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29 |
Learning from excellence: a theatre efficiency quality improvement approach
Winter, S. |
4 |
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30 |
Multidisciplinary training in managing post-thyroidectomy haematoma and front of neck access
Sousi, E. |
4 |
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31 |
Navigating dynamic drug shortages: a traffic light communication aid
Horner, N. |
4 |
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32 |
No time to waste: improving waste segregation in the operating theatre
Ong, Pei Jean |
4 |
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33 |
One step closer towards a greener NHS: decommissioning of piped nitrous oxide manifolds
Xin Chang, Chloe Hui |
4 |
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34 |
Pain-free DrEaMing – the impact of a 7-day inpatient pain team on colorectal recovery in a postoperative care unit
Parmar, Rinesh |
4 |
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35 |
Pain management in an adult burns clinic
Hopkins, L. |
4 |
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36 |
Pain management in elective major gynaecology surgery: implementing an enhanced recovery protocol
John, N. |
4 |
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37 |
Perioperative oral paracetamol: kicking the intravenous habit to promote sustainable healthcare
Ghosh, Parineeta |
4 |
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38 |
Predicting severe pain after major surgery: a secondary analysis of the Perioperative Quality Improvement Programme dataset
Armstrong, Richard A. |
4 |
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39 |
Project Volatile – a regional quality improvement collaboration in the South West of England
Debenham, J. |
4 |
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40 |
QI initiative to introduce a formal anaesthetic shift handover in a district general hospital
Anandkumar, Delran |
4 |
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41 |
Quality of recovery after intrathecal morphine for elective Caesarean deliveries
Hill, S. |
4 |
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42 |
Quantifying changes in ambient nitrous oxide levels with catalytic cracking in the labour ward
Fang, Li |
4 |
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43 |
Raising awareness of the link between sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors and euglycaemic diabetic ketoacidosis – an important perioperative consideration
Richardson, Andrew |
4 |
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44 |
Relation between postoperative delirium and preoperative routine serum biomarkers
Mousa, Nada M. |
4 |
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45 |
Safety in colours: using colour to communicate drug error in the anaesthetic and critical care settings
Freeman-Romilly, Nell |
4 |
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46 |
Sevoflurane use during induction and intubation – an area to reduce our carbon footprint?
Dunn, H. |
4 |
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47 |
Standardisation of the use of opioids in neuraxial anaesthesia for elective colorectal resection
Berry, Kieron |
4 |
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48 |
Sustainability beyond the anaesthetic room — implementing innovative methodology for simulation training
McCallan, Logan |
4 |
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49 |
Sustainable prevention of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery
Overend, Jennifer |
4 |
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50 |
Theatre sustainability: our journey to reach net zero
Kim, J. |
4 |
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51 |
The challenge of DrEaMing in a digital world
Lakda, Ammar |
4 |
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52 |
The Epic™ diabetes audit
Ong, Pei Jean |
4 |
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53 |
The Orthopaedic Big Room: optimising the elective revision arthroplasty pathway
Pillinger, G. |
4 |
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54 |
Watford Anaesthetics going greener: reducing our emissions one volatile at a time
Grant, R. |
4 |
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