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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Area under the curve and amplitude of the compound motor action potential are clinically interchangeable quantitative measures of neuromuscular block: a method comparison study Epstein, Richard H.

11 C p.
2 Changes of pulse wave transit time after haemodynamic manoeuvres in healthy adults: a prospective randomised observational trial (PWTT volunteer study) Wirkus, Johannes M.

11 C p.
3 Editorial Board
11 C p.
4 Effect of neuromodulation for chronic pain on the autonomic nervous system: a systematic review Billet, Bart

11 C p.
5 Effects of opioid-based versus opioid-free anaesthesia on blinded nociception level index values during laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery: a secondary analysis of a randomised double-blind trial Coeckelenbergh, Sean

11 C p.
6 Efficacy of parasternal peripheral nerve catheters versus no block for median sternotomy: a single-centre retrospective study Rubin, John E.

11 C p.
7 International Delirium Pathophysiology & Electrophysiology Network for Data sharing (iDEPEND) Sanders, Robert D.

11 C p.
8 Operating table stability and patient safety during an earthquake based on the results of a shaking table experiment Tsutsumi, Takahiko

11 C p.
9 Personalised blood pressure management during major noncardiac surgery and postoperative neurocognitive disorders: a randomised trial Nicklas, Julia Y.

11 C p.
10 Postoperative intravenous iron to treat iron-deficiency anaemia in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a protocol for a pilot, multicentre, placebo-controlled randomized trial (the POAM trial) Bartoszko, Justyna

11 C p.
11 Variable positive end-expiratory pressure in an experimental model of acute respiratory distress syndrome: an advanced ventilation modality Südy, Roberta

11 C p.
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland