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                             21 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparative study of English and Japanese ChatGPT responses to anaesthesia-related medical questions Ando, Kazuo

10 C p.
2 An in vitro study to determine the impact of lipid emulsion on partitioning of a broad spectrum of drugs associated with overdose Barker, Kenneth

10 C p.
3 Assessment of depth of sedation using Bispectral Index™ monitoring in patients with severe traumatic brain injury in UK intensive care units Kaye, Callum

10 C p.
4 Cardiopulmonary exercise variables and their association with postoperative morbidity and mortality after major oesophagogastric cancer surgery—a multicentre observational study West, Malcolm A.

10 C p.
5 Comparison of artificial intelligence large language model chatbots in answering frequently asked questions in anaesthesia Nguyen, Teresa P.

10 C p.
6 Daytime dexmedetomidine sedation with closed-loop acoustic stimulation alters slow wave sleep homeostasis in healthy adults Smith, S. Kendall

10 C p.
7 Development and validation of a Spanish version of the Obstetric Quality of Recovery-10 item score (ObsQoR-10-Spanish) Guevara, Jennifer

10 C p.
8 Editorial Board
10 C p.
9 Effects of a lower versus a higher oxygenation target in intensive care unit patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure: a subgroup analysis of a randomised clinical trial Nielsen, Maria B.

10 C p.
10 Erratum to ‘Exploring the cost-effectiveness of high versus low perioperative fraction of inspired oxygen in the prevention of surgical site infections among abdominal surgery patients in three low- and middle-income countries’ [BJA Open 7 (2023) 100207] Kachapila, Mwayi

10 C p.
11 Fabrication and assessment of a bio-inspired synthetic tracheal tissue model for tracheal tube cuff leakage testing Agbiki, Tamaralayefa

10 C p.
12 Implementation and prospective performance evaluation of an intraoperative duration prediction model using high throughput real-time data Jiao, York

10 C p.
13 Isoflurane preconditioning induced genomic changes in mouse cortex Athiraman, Umeshkumar

10 C p.
14 Local anaesthetics and chemotherapeutic agents: a systematic review of preclinical evidence of interactions and cancer biology Abdelaatti, Ahmed

10 C p.
15 Perioperative oxygenation—what's the stress? Larvin, Joseph

10 C p.
16 Preoperative fasting and the risk of pulmonary aspiration—a narrative review of historical concepts, physiological effects, and new perspectives Rüggeberg, Anne

10 C p.
17 Systematic review and narrative description of the outcomes of group preoperative education before elective major surgery Fecher-Jones, Imogen

10 C p.
18 Testing clinical selection criteria for intraoperative transoesophageal echocardiography in isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery MacKay, Emily J.

10 C p.
19 The effect of continuous bilateral parasternal block with lidocaine on patient-controlled analgesia opioid requirement and recovery after open heart surgery: a double-blind randomised controlled trial Larsson, Mark

10 C p.
20 The effects of anaesthesia on cell death in a porcine model of neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic brain injury Gundersen, Julia K.

10 C p.
21 The role of methadone in cardiac surgery for management of postoperative pain Edwards, Jordan N.

10 C p.
                             21 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland