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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A new era for translational neuroscience Adan, Roger

1 C p.
2 Comparative effectiveness of long-acting injectable antipsychotics in a large naturalistic cohort across two European centers: Findings from the long-acting injectable antipsychotics collaborative (LAICO) study. García-Carmona, Juan Antonio

1 C p.
3 Corrigendum to “Abstracts of the ECNP workshop for early career scientists in Europe 2022” [Neurosci. Appl. 1S1. (2022)]
1 C p.
4 Mechanisms underlying anxiety in Rett Syndrome: Translational insights from preclinical findings Impey, Bethan

1 C p.
5 Metabolomics analysis of cerebrospinal fluid suggests citric acid cycle aberrations in bipolar disorder Smedler, Erik

1 C p.
6 Methodological challenges in psychedelic drug trials: Efficacy and safety of psilocybin in treatment-resistant major depression (EPIsoDE) – Rationale and study design Mertens, Lea J.

1 C p.
7 Microdosing with psychedelics to self-medicate for ADHD symptoms in adults: A prospective naturalistic study Haijen, Eline C.H.M.

1 C p.
8 Precision psychiatry: The ultimate goal of neuroscience applied to mental health Salagre, Estela

1 C p.
9 Prospects for improved prevention and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders: Neuroscience Applied Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas

1 C p.
10 Risk-taking in traffic is associated with unhealthy lifestyle: Contribution of aggressiveness and the serotonin transporter genotype Tokko, Tõnis

1 C p.
11 The perks of a quality system in academia Arroyo-Araujo, María

1 C p.
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland