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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Circular economy potential and contributions of petroleum industry sludge utilization to environmental sustainability through engineered processes - A review Jagaba, Ahmad Hussaini

3 C p.
2 Circular ecosystems: A review Pietrulla, Felicitas

3 C p.
3 Does circular bioeconomy contain singular social science research questions, especially regarding agriculture – industry nexus? Girard, Gaëtan

3 C p.
4 Environmental performance of a cement composite reinforced with vegetable fibers cultivated in the Brazilian Amazon Batista dos Santos, Géssica Zila

3 C p.
5 Identifying practices of inclusive biobased value chains: Lessons from corn stover in Iowa, sugar cane in Jamaica, and sugar beet in the Netherlands Robaey, Zoë

3 C p.
6 In-situ selective epoxidation of Colocynthis Vulgaris shrad seed oil for the synthesis of a methacrylated biobased resin; An artificial neural network (ANN) modelling approach Nwosu-Obieogu, Kenechi

3 C p.
7 Multi-objective planning for food production in a mountainous region: Strategic land utilization for meeting food demand and economic revitalization Ahmed, Mohammad Hafez

3 C p.
8 Organic agriculture: A fountain of alternative innovations for social, economic, and environmental challenges of conventional agriculture in a developing country context Canwat, Vincent

3 C p.
9 Rethinking greening the building façade under extreme climate: Attributes consideration for typo-morphological green envelope retrofit Ling, Tzen-Ying

3 C p.
10 Solar powered dryers in agricultural produce processing for sustainable rural development worldwide: A case study from Nayarit-Mexico Messina, Sarah

3 C p.
11 Transforming textile wastes into biobased building blocks via enzymatic hydrolysis: A review of key challenges and opportunities Vera, Ramon E.

3 C p.
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland