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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Antimicrobial resistance – A global problem in need of global solutions Petersen, Eskild

9 C p. 102-103
2 A One Health approach based on genomics for enhancing the Salmonella enterica surveillance in Colombia Bernal, Johan F.

9 C p. 80-87
3 A panoramic view of hospitalized young children in the metropolitan area of the valley of Mexico during COVID-19 Padilla-Rivas, Gerardo R.

9 C p. 72-79
4 Asymptomatic gastrointestinal carriage of multidrug-resistant carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae among children under five years in a Kenyan hospital Mutuma, Caroline Kirito

9 C p. 25-31
5 Burden of hepatitis B virus infection in pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in the southern Gabon Koumba Mavoungou, Danielle S.

9 C p. 32-37
6 Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infections: Antimicrobial resistance patterns and risk factors for acquisition in a Kenyan intensive care unit Kipsang, Fred

9 C p. 111-116
7 Clinical profile and early severity predictors of dengue fever: Current trends for the deadliest dengue infection in Bangladesh in 2022 Sami, Chowdhury Adnan

9 C p. 42-48
8 COVID-19 mortality and its associated factors in Nepal: A cross-sectional study Amatya, Isha

9 C p. 120-124
9 Editorial Board
9 C p. i
10 Epidemiological and clinical differences of confirmed and discarded Mpox cases on the 2022 Chilean outbreak Acevedo, Alejandra

9 C p. 59-62
11 Exploring the relationship between anellovirus load and clinical variables in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: Implications for immune activation and inflammation Thijssen, Marijn

9 C p. 49-54
12 Half dose ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine was equivalent to full doses to reduce moderate and severe COVID-19 cases Galvão-Lima, Leonardo J.

9 C p. 88-94
13 High seroprevalence of antibodies against arboviruses in postpartum women in Salvador, Brazil Bastos Filho, Pedro Paulo

9 C p. 55-58
14 Hookworm infection induces glycometabolic modulation in South Indian individuals with type 2 diabetes Dasan, Bindu

9 C p. 18-24
15 Impact of COVID-19 on hepatitis B screening in Sierra Leone: insights from a community pharmacy model of care Ghazzawi, Manal

9 C p. 7-13
16 Incidence and risk factors related to SARS-CoV-2 infection, reinfection, and seroconversion: Analysis of a healthcare workers cohort from a university hospital in Colombia Nieto, María A.

9 C p. 63-71
17 Incidence of post-COVID-19 syndrome and its association with COVID-19 severity in a tertiary private hospital: Prospective cohort study Monzon, Ericka Lyn A.

9 C p. 14-17
18 Kocuria kristinae neuroinfection in an immunocompetent patient: a case report and review of the literature Saldaña-Ruiz, Mauricio Alejandro

9 C p. 117-119
19 Leptospirosis seroprevalence and risk factors among slaughterhouse workers in Burkina Faso Zida, Sylvie

9 C p. 125-130
20 Prevalence, drug-susceptibility pattern and associated factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among prisoners in western Arsi zonal prisons, Oromia, South West Ethiopia Hordofa, Girma

9 C p. 1-6
21 Risk factors for COVID-19 mortality in hospitalized patients in Bolivia Limachi-Choque, Jhonny

9 C p. 95-101
22 Temporal changes in incidence of hospital-diagnosed acute pyelonephritis: A 19-year population-based Danish cohort study Svingel, Lise Skovgaard

9 C p. 104-110
23 The HIV/AIDS responses pre and during the COVID-19 pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa: A basis for sustainable health system strengthening post–COVID-19 Mangoya, Derek

9 C p. 38-41
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland