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                             5 results found
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1 Clinical efficacy of local application of sustained-release metronidazole in periodontal therapy Soysa, Niroshani Surangika

1 1 p.
2 Custom 3D printed titanium reconstruction plate with in-situ tissue engineering for the reconstruction and dental rehabilitation of a severely infected atrophic mandible. A review of technique Melville, James C.

1 1 p.
3 Downstream effects from diabetes mellitus affected on various tooth tissues: A mini review Saghiri, Mohammad Ali

1 1 p.
4 Glycine air-polishing versus curette debridement for the treatment of peri-implant mucositis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Boeira, Peterson Oliveira

1 1 p.
5 Statistical estimation of wear in permanent teeth: A systematic review Azeez, Akeem A.

1 1 p.
                             5 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands