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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A framework on circular production principles and a way to operationalise circularity in production industry Lindahl, Emma

4 C p.
2 Assessing urban carbon metabolism using network analysis across Chinese and European cities Fath, Brian D.

4 C p.
3 A sustainable Catch-22: An assessment of sustainability in the Dutch pension sector Ijzereef, Tom

4 C p.
4 A system dynamics model to improving sustainable performance of the citrus farmers in Jordan Valley Alzubi, Emad

4 C p.
5 Biophilic design frameworks: A review of structure, development techniques and their compatibility with LEED sustainable design criteria Wijesooriya, Niranjika

4 C p.
6 Carbon reduction and energy transition targets of the largest European companies: An empirical study based on institutional theory Dragomir, Voicu D.

4 C p.
7 Data requirements and availabilities for a digital battery passport – A value chain actor perspective Berger, Katharina

4 C p.
8 Defining common criteria for harmonizing life cycle assessments of livestock systems Goglio, Pietro

4 C p.
9 In the fight against climate change, did the financial sector cut secular ties with the oil industry or merely camouflage them? Ruzzenenti, Franco

4 C p.
10 Is energy transition possible for oil-producing nations? Probing the case of a developing economy Ankrah, Isaac

4 C p.
11 Lignocellulosic biofuels use in the international shipping: The case of soybean trade from Brazil and the U.S. to China Carvalho, Francielle

4 C p.
12 Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions Gössling, Stefan

4 C p.
13 Perspectives for a sustainable implementation of super-green hydrogen production by photoelectrochemical technology in hard-to-abate sectors Rumayor, Marta

4 C p.
14 The conservation of biodiverse continuous forests and patches may provide services that support oil palm yield: Evidence from satellite crop monitoring Oon, Aslinda

4 C p.
15 The material footprints of cities and importance of resource use indicators for urban circular economy policies: A comparison of urban metabolisms of Nantes-Saint-Nazaire and Gothenburg Bahers, Jean-Baptiste

4 C p.
16 Water consumption from electrolytic hydrogen in a carbon-neutral US energy system Grubert, Emily

4 C p.
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland