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                             6 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Mechanisms of antimicrobial peptides as characterized by solid-state NMR Han, Rong

2 2 p. 119-129
2 NMR used to study the side-reactions between peroxides and antioxidants during the reactive extrusion process of the impact polypropylene Li, Chunfa

2 2 p. 91-106
3 On the use of residual dipolar couplings in multi-state structure calculation of two-domain proteins Born, Alexandra

2 2 p. 61-68
4 Recent progress in fragment-based drug discovery facilitated by NMR spectroscopy Wang, Lei

2 2 p. 107-118
5 Study on the synthesis of spin labeled poly(styrene-co-maleic acid)s and their segmental motion Naveed, Kaleem-Ur-Rahman

2 2 p. 80-90
6 Utilizing 3D DOSY NMR in the characterization of organic compounds in coal chemical wastewater Ma, Hui

2 2 p. 69-79
                             6 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland