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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of development situation and patent technology of catalyst wastewater treatment Shi, Jingjun

20 3 p. 270-273
2 Assessing adaptability of the water resource system to social-ecological systems in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: Based on the DPSIR-TOPSIS framework Wu, Dan

20 3 p. 261-269
3 Booming or sinking: How does an emission trading scheme affect enterprise value? He, Yanni

20 3 p. 227-236
4 Can the low-carbon city pilot policy promote the upgrading of high-carbon emitting enterprises? Evidence from China Wang, Chang’an

20 3 p. 217-226
5 Educational divergence among urban residents and migrant workers: Evidence from China Chen, Shuxing

20 3 p. 295-306
6 Exploring the effect of a low-carbon city pilot policies on carbon dioxide emission intensity: Based on the PSM-DID method Song, Yan

20 3 p. 209-216
7 Heterogeneous responsibilities of three grassland resource governance modes in Inner Mongolia, China Chang, Duofen

20 3 p. 274-284
8 Personalized day tour design for urban tourists with consideration to CO2 emissions Wu, Lunwen

20 3 p. 237-244
9 Relationship between multifunctionality and rural sustainable development: Insights from 129 counties of the Sichuan Province, China Li, Xuefeng

20 3 p. 285-294
10 “Scrambling”: Logic of horizontal competition between local governments based on three cases of interprovincial disaster counterpart support Xie, Xiaoqin

20 3 p. 251-260
11 The social welfare effect of forest certification under environmental spillovers Guan, Zhijie

20 3 p. 245-250
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland