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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analysis of cooperation equilibrium of participants in power battery recycling chains considering information barrier Gao, Yanhong

20 2 p. 159-167
2 Auction mechanism design of the Chinese national carbon market for carbon neutralization Wang, Wenjun

20 2 p. 115-124
3 Climate change and preservation of minority languages in the upper regions of Ghana: A systematic review Addaney, Michael

20 2 p. 177-189
4 Does the digital economy contribute to carbon emissions reduction? A city-level spatial analysis in China Wang, Jun

20 2 p. 105-114
5 Effect of China’s technology spillovers on energy intensity in Africa Berhe, Mesfin Welderufael

20 2 p. 168-176
6 Fuel consumption, vehicle quantities, and total factor inefficiency in China Wu, Ge

20 2 p. 147-158
7 Impact of environmental absorption capacity on PM2.5 concentration in China Li, Lin

20 2 p. 190-198
8 Optimization of energy consumption structure based on carbon emission reduction target: A case study in Shandong Province, China Liu, Jixiang

20 2 p. 125-135
9 Quantitative evaluation of the green production and consumption policies in China Wang, Zhengxin

20 2 p. 199-208
10 The effect of human capital on energy consumption: Evidence from an extended version of STIRPAT framework Wang, Yajun

20 2 p. 136-146
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland