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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Building durable climate clubs: Lessons from a comparative study of the APP and CEM Yu, Bowen

19 2 p. 117-124
2 Efficiency and convergence of China’s export trade embodied carbon emissions Hu, Jianbo

19 2 p. 133-142
3 Evaluation of the sustainable development level of countries along the Belt and Road and its impact factors: Empirical analysis based on the Super-efficiency slacks-based measure and Tobit measure models Huang, Tianhang

19 2 p. 162-170
4 Evolution logic complementary needs and reform path of China’s marine ecological protection system Chen, Qi

19 2 p. 193-202
5 Is China's agricultural enterprise growing steadily? Evidence from listed agricultural companies Lu, Yujia

19 2 p. 203-212
6 Key global climate governance problems and Chinese countermeasures Wang, Hailin

19 2 p. 125-132
7 Misperception and pro-environmental behaviors of the Chinese public toward air pollution Wu, Xiuqin

19 2 p. 171-181
8 Research on China’s technology lists for addressing climate change Wang, Can

19 2 p. 151-161
9 Role of government subsidies in the new energy vehicle charging infrastructure industry: a three-party game perspective Yue, Weizhong

19 2 p. 143-150
10 Transboundary inflow of solid waste: Governance and improvement path in China Li, Hailian

19 2 p. 182-192
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland