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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A multiple case study on the cooperative governance model of treating environmental deterioration Li, Sheng

19 1 p. 56-64
2 Analysis of gender equality in climate governance Zhang, Yongxiang

19 1 p. 98-103
3 Can environmental regulations achieve both profitability and profit quality? A natural experiment based on the China Cleaner Production Standards Sun, Bowen

19 1 p. 65-81
4 Factors affecting green innovation: An analysis of patent and regional heterogeneity Wang, Bo

19 1 p. 12-21
5 Foreign direct investment and environmental pollution: A fiscal decentralization perspective Chen, Xia

19 1 p. 34-40
6 Game analysis on constructing the model of an international carbon emissions trading model Ji, Ming

19 1 p. 82-87
7 Protecting world heritage in China by enacting laws: Sustainable tourism development Peng, Chunlian

19 1 p. 104-109
8 Research on dynamic matching model of electric vehicles and charging facilities in China: A case study of taxis in Beijing Yue, Weizhong

19 1 p. 88-97
9 Revisiting the driving force underlying Chinese PM2.5 emissions: From the two perspectives of GVC and IDA Yan, Jie

19 1 p. 41-55
10 Rural vulnerability, migration, and relocation in mountain areas of Western China: An overview of key issues and policy interventions Chen, Yong

19 1 p. 110-116
11 Technological innovation, market proximity, and China's industrial green development Duan, Longlong

19 1 p. 1-11
12 The environmental effect of technical change: A spatial model with city-level data in China Li, Peng

19 1 p. 22-33
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland