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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Altered expression levels of transcripts of GNAC TFs during drought stress in susceptible and tolerant cultivars of groundnut Jacob, Feba

3 C p.
2 Arsenic stress in plants: A metabolomic perspective Martínez-Castillo, José Isabel

3 C p.
3 A walk towards Wild grasses to unlock the clandestine of gene pools for wheat improvement: A review Kumar, Antul

3 C p.
4 Bio-priming of seeds: Plant stress management and its underlying cellular, biochemical and molecular mechanisms Chakraborti, Subhra

3 C p.
5 CRISPR-Cas genome editing system: A versatile tool for developing disease resistant crops Talakayala, Ashwini

3 C p.
6 Cross-talk between cold and bispyribac-sodium on rice seedlings Martini, Luis F.D.

3 C p.
7 Effect of volatile and non-volatile metabolites from Leptosphaeria maculans on tomato calli under abiotic stresses Poveda, Jorge

3 C p.
8 Exogenous application of phytohormones modulates pesticide-induced injury in two rice field cyanobacteria: Toxicity alleviation by up-regulation of ascorbate-glutathione cycle Tiwari, Santwana

3 C p.
9 Exogenous salicylic acid and kinetin modulate reactive oxygen species metabolism and glyoxalase system to confer waterlogging stress tolerance in soybean (Glycine max L.) Hasanuzzaman, Mirza

3 C p.
10 Improving drought tolerance: Can comparative transcriptomics support strategic rice breeding? Baldoni, Elena

3 C p.
11 Metabolic profile of canola (Brassica napus L.) seedlings under hydric, osmotic and temperature stresses Viana, Vívian Ebeling

3 C p.
12 Mutagenesis: A coherent technique to develop biotic stress resistant plants Bhoi, Anita

3 C p.
13 Plant Stress is pleased to announce that we have two new editors joining the journal
3 C p.
14 Pollen priming for more efficient reproduction in a heating world: what we know, what we need to know Mareri, Lavinia

3 C p.
15 Recognizing the Basics of Phytochrome-Interacting Factors in Plants for Abiotic Stress Tolerance Saud, Shah

3 C p.
16 Salt and osmotic stress-induced changes in physio-chemical responses, PSII photochemistry and chlorophyll a fluorescence in peanut Khatri, Kusum

3 C p.
17 Silicon improves photosynthetic activity and induces antioxidant enzyme activity in Tanzania Guinea grass under copper toxicity Vieira-Filho, Leandro Otavio

3 C p.
18 The overexpression of NCED results in waterlogging sensitivity in soybean Oliveira, Fabiane Kletke de

3 C p.
19 Transcriptome analyses of quinoa leaves revealed critical function of epidermal bladder cells in salt stress acclimation Kiani-Pouya, Ali

3 C p.
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland