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                             98 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advancing environmental sustainability through microbial reprogramming in growth improvement, stress alleviation, and phytoremediation Iqbal, Babar

10 C p.
2 A newly isolated Bacillus pumilus strain SH-9 modulates response to drought stress in soybean via endogenous phytohormones and gene expression (Daegu, South Korea) Shaffique, Shifa

10 C p.
3 Application of GC7 to reduce hypusination via inhibiting deoxyhypusine synthase in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings exposed salt stress Szepesi, Ágnes

10 C p.
4 Aquaporin-mediated stress signaling cascade in plants Tang, Hanchen

10 C p.
5 A step towards smart agriculture using metallic nanostructures Saha, Sarmistha

10 C p.
6 Biochar amendment alleviates heavy metal phytotoxicity of Medicago sativa grown in polymetallic contaminated soil: Evaluation of metal uptake, plant response and soil properties Helaoui, Sondes

10 C p.
7 Biochemical profiling of selected plant extracts and their antifungal activity in comparison with fungicides against Colletotrichum capsici L. causing anthracnose of Chilli Fatima, Syeda Noureen

10 C p.
8 Biogenic nanoparticles application in agriculture for ROS mitigation and abiotic stress tolerance: A review Maqsood, Muhammad Faisal

10 C p.
9 Bio-inoculation with Serratia CP-13 enhances Cd detoxification via modulation of phytohormone, gas exchange attributes and nutrient acquisition in maize cultivars cultivated in Cd-stressed soil Tanwir, Kashif

10 C p.
10 Bioremediation and stress alleviation of HBCD in plant-soil by bacterial strain HBCD-sjtu Shah, Syed Bilal

10 C p.
11 Booting heat stress alters leaf photosynthesis, growth rate, phenology and yield in rice Chandarak, Natthamon

10 C p.
12 Combined effects of biostimulants, N level and drought stress on yield, quality and physiology of greenhouse-grown basil Consentino, Beppe Benedetto

10 C p.
13 Comet assay as an early predictor tool to detect ozone enhanced sensitivity of vegetation in a free-air controlled long-term exposure Meschini, Roberta

10 C p.
14 Comparative analysis of isonicotinic acid, l-ascorbic acid and calcium chloride on the induction of innate immunity and secondary metabolite production in Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don for management of biotic and oxidative stress Paul, Anamika

10 C p.
15 Comprehensive characterization of SBP genes revealed their role under multifactorial stress combinations in dragon fruit (Selenicereus undatus L.) Khokhar, Aamir Ali

10 C p.
16 Comprehensive in-silico characterization and expression analysis of UbiA prenyltransferase genes in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) against abiotic stresses Yang, Qiang

10 C p.
17 Crucial plant processes under heat stress and tolerance through heat shock proteins Mondal, Sananda

10 C p.
18 Deciphering phytomicrobiomes for sustainable crop production: Recent findings and future perspectives Kumar, Vikash

10 C p.
19 Deciphering the response of medicinal plants to abiotic stressors: A focus on drought and salinity Nazari, Mansoureh

10 C p.
20 Defence responses triggered during the plant-pathogen interaction between strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) and Colletotrichum acutatum Caro, María Del Pilar

10 C p.
21 Differential transcriptome and metabolite profile with variable fluoride tolerance and altered genomic template stability in the identification of four fluoride-tolerant or fluoride-sensitive rice cultivars Singh, Ankur

10 C p.
22 Different UV-B exposure times induce phenotypic, transcriptomic, and proteomic changes in wine grape leaves Li, Su

10 C p.
23 Drought priming evokes essential regulation of Hsp gene families, Hsfs and their related miRNAs and induces heat stress tolerance in chickpea Juneja, Sumandeep

10 C p.
24 Drought stress-mediated alterations in secondary metabolites and biosynthetic gene expression in cumin plants: Insights from gene-specific and metabolite-level analyses Ghasemi, Sepideh

10 C p.
25 Early salinity response in root of salt sensitive Olea europaea L. cv Leccino Sodini, Mirko

10 C p.
26 Effects of species mixture on understory vegetation, soil properties and bacterial diversity of Acacia cincinnata, Eucalyptus robusta and Acacia mangium plantations in Southeastern China Li, Taijun

10 C p.
27 Emerging role of plant long non coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in salinity stress response Das, Pratisha

10 C p.
28 Engineered nanoparticles a novel approach in alleviating abiotic and biotic stress in millets: A complete study Mohan, Narender

10 C p.
29 Enhalus acoroides seedlings exhibit different high light responses under varying light qualities Heemboo, Muhammad

10 C p.
30 Evaluation of nano-nitrogen fertilizers and other nitrogen sources on the performance of Guinea grass plants grown in newly reclaimed soil under water deficiency Rashad, Hassan M.

10 C p.
31 Examining the role of AMF-Biochar in the regulation of spinach growth attributes, nutrients concentrations, and antioxidant enzymes in mitigating drought stress Alotaibi, Modhi O.

10 C p.
32 Exogenous strigolactones enhance salinity tolerance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seedlings Song, Yue

10 C p.
33 Foliar sprays of methyl jasmonic acid shift the endogenous fatty acid levels to support rice plant growth in saline soil Zainordin, Zairul-Fazwan Md

10 C p.
34 Fostering plant resilience to drought with Actinobacteria: Unveiling perennial allies in drought stress tolerance Ebrahimi-Zarandi, Marzieh

10 C p.
35 Functional characterization of the IGT gene family in wheat reveals conservation and variation in root architecture under drought condition Rasool, Fatima

10 C p.
36 Genome wide analysis for the identification and characterization of Superoxide-dismutase gene family in Rosa chinensis ascertains the role of salinity-responsive RcMSD1 protein and its interaction with peroxyl radical Rafique, Muhammad Umar

10 C p.
37 Genome‑wide analysis of the maize LACS gene family and functional characterization of the ZmLACS9 responses to heat stress Wang, XiuChen

10 C p.
38 Genome-wide analysis reveals the TCP-miR159-miR319 module is crucial for rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth and response to drought and salinity. Gull, Sadia

10 C p.
39 Genome-wide exploration of bZIP transcription factors and their contribution to alkali stress response in Helianthus annuus Rahman, Shahroz

10 C p.
40 Genome-wide identification, characterization, and expression analysis of the Ovate family protein in Oryza sativa under biotic and abiotic stresses Ahmad, Sheraz

10 C p.
41 Genome-wide identification, molecular structures and functional exploration of the membrane attack complex/perforin domain-containing proteins and validation of GmmiRNA169o-GmMACPF-9 module in soybean cold stress Hussain, Muhammad Azhar

10 C p.
42 Genome-wide identification of flowering Chinese cabbage BPC family genes and BcBPC9 functional analysis in Cd stress tolerance Zhang, Shuaiwei

10 C p.
43 Genome-wide identification of NAC transcription factors in Avena sativa under salinity stress Bokolia, Muskan

10 C p.
44 Genome-wide identification, phylogenomics, and expression analysis of benzoxazinoids gene family in rice (Oryza sativa) Ninkuu, Vincent

10 C p.
45 Germination response of Oat (Avena sativa L.) to temperature and salinity using halothermal time model Sulaiman,

10 C p.
46 Green silver nanoparticles display protection against Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Mercado-Meza, Denisse Yatzely

10 C p.
47 Growth response of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) exposed to Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas stutzeri, and Pseudomonas gessardii in lead contaminated soil Ahmad, Adeel

10 C p.
48 Heterologous expression of heat-shock protein PpHSP70 improves high temperature and drought tolerance in rice Kou, Shu-Yan

10 C p.
49 Histological and ionomics assessment to elucidate tolerance mechanisms of nickel-tolerant and sensitive cultivars of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Anas, Muhammad

10 C p.
50 Hydrogen sulfide counteract copper induced inhibition of photosynthetic performance through altered proline metabolism and enhanced antioxidants in Cucumis sativus Yusuf, Mohammad

10 C p.
51 Identification and characterization of salt stress-responsive NHX gene family in chickpea Parveen, Kauser

10 C p.
52 Impact of Calcium-Silicon nanoparticles on flower quality and biochemical characteristics of Lilium under salt stress Gómez-Santos, Marisol

10 C p.
53 Improving drought tolerance in soybean by classical breeding leads to physiological adjustments of photosynthesis and stomata functioning Demicheli, Josefina

10 C p.
54 Improving tomato yield, quality and antioxidant capacity in greenhouse by far-infrared radiation Li, Yinfei

10 C p.
55 Increased hormetic dose of glyphosate causes oxidative stress and reduces yield in common bean Pacheco de Almeida Prado Bortolheiro, Fernanda

10 C p.
56 Integrated effect of saline water irrigation and phosphorus fertilization practices on wheat (Triticum aestivum) growth, productivity, nutrient content and soil proprieties under dryland farming Bouras, Hamza

10 C p.
57 Integrative omics analysis of Rosa chinensis reveals insights into its transcriptome and in silico characterization of potassium transport genes Shafique, Aimen

10 C p.
58 Interaction of chromium (Cr) resistant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria with compost to phytostabilize Cr in spinach rhizosphere Sarwar, Muhammad Junaid

10 C p.
59 Interactive effects of silicon and potassium on photosynthesis and physio-biochemical traits of rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaf mesophyll under ferrous iron toxicity Ahmed, Sheikh Faruk

10 C p.
60 Involvement of nanoparticles in mitigating plant's abiotic stress Dilnawaz, Fahima

10 C p.
61 Joint analysis of transcriptome and metabolome revealed the difference in carbohydrate metabolism between super hybrid rice and conventional rice under salt stress Zhou, Hang

10 C p.
62 Macroevolution of NLR genes in family Fabaceae provides evidence of clade specific expansion and contraction of NLRome in Vicioid clade Qureshi, Fatima

10 C p.
63 Mancozeb associated with water deficit: Physiological and biochemical responses of soybean plants Schneider, Julia Renata

10 C p.
64 Marine Bacillus as a potent biocontrol agent against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris Rathod, Khushbu

10 C p.
65 Mechanisms of nitric oxide involvement in plant-microbe interaction and its enhancement of stress resistance Shah, Saud

10 C p.
66 Melatonin: A potential abiotic stress regulator Sati, Hansika

10 C p.
67 Microbial phytoremediation of chromium-contaminated soil with biogas slurry for enhancing the performance of Vigna radiata L. Hussnain, Muhammad

10 C p.
68 Modulation of AsA-GSH cycle by exogenous nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide to minimize the Cd-induced damages in photosynthetic cyanobacteria Verma, Nidhi

10 C p.
69 Multi-omics analyses of the effect of carbon ion beam irradiation on cannabis fructus (Cannabis sativa L.) composition Wang, Xiaolu

10 C p.
70 MYB transcription factor: A new weapon for biotic stress tolerance in plants Biswas, Dew

10 C p.
71 Nanotechnology based precision agriculture for alleviating biotic and abiotic stress in plants Zain, Muhammad

10 C p.
72 Native rhizobacteria suppresses spot blotch disease, improves growth and yield of wheat under salt–affected soils Verma, Pooja

10 C p.
73 Overexpression of acdS in petunia improved tolerance to copper stress by reducing ethylene production and metal accumulation Campol, Jova Riza

10 C p.
74 Overexpression of Malus baccata WRKY40 (MbWRKY40) enhances stress tolerance in Arabidopsis subjected to cold and drought Han, Jiaxin

10 C p.
75 Physiological responses of cereals of agronomic interest to arthropod herbivory stress Arias-Porras, Laura Viviana

10 C p.
76 Plant-Growth-Promoting Bioagents: A Sustainable Tool for Improving the Soil Health, Enhancing the Growth and Antioxidative Defense System of Tobacco Li, Junhua

10 C p.
77 Plant photosynthesis under abiotic stresses: Damages, adaptive, and signaling mechanisms Chauhan, Jyoti

10 C p.
78 Plant stress response and adaptation via anthocyanins: A review Li, Zhe

10 C p.
79 PUB63, a novel early heat responsive ubiquitin E3 ligase from rice implicates heat stress tolerance Kaur, Harmeet

10 C p.
80 Response of sugarcane plants with modified cytokinin homeostasis under water deficit conditions Masoabi, M.

10 C p.
81 Root-hypoxia tolerance in soybean sister-lines plants indicates a better balance in energy use/dissipation and oxidative stress control Posso, Douglas Antônio

10 C p.
82 Screening of cacao clones for drought tolerance by assessing predawn leaf water potential, growth, and leaf gas exchange Santos, Ivanildes Conceição dos

10 C p.
83 Secondary metabolites and their potential roles in plant tolerance against abiotic and biotic stress Panahirad, Sima

10 C p.
84 Significance of plant E3 ubiquitin ligases in NPK homeostasis: A review Patra, Sanjib

10 C p.
85 Silicon as a powerful element for mitigation of cadmium stress in rice: A review for global food safety Biswas, Ankita

10 C p.
86 Small Tech, Big Impact: Agri-nanotechnology Journey to Optimize Crop Protection and Production for Sustainable Agriculture Singh, Abhishek

10 C p.
87 Suboptimal zinc supply affects the S-nitrosoglutathione reductase enzyme and nitric oxide signaling in Arabidopsis Oláh, Dóra

10 C p.
88 The global trend of nanomaterial usage to control the important agricultural arthropod pests: A comprehensive review Jafir, Muhammad

10 C p.
89 The resilience of rice under water stress will be driven by better roots: Evidence from root phenotyping, physiological, and yield experiments Shafi, Sadiah

10 C p.
90 The responses of genotypes with contrasting NUtE to exogenous ABA during the flowering stage in Brassica napus Nan, Yunyou

10 C p.
91 Transcriptional analysis in four wild and cultivated rice genotypes identifies aluminum-induced genes Gallo-Franco, J.J.

10 C p.
92 Unboxing the bZIP transcription factor family exhibiting their role under cold and salt stresses in indica rice Hussain, Ammara

10 C p.
93 Underlying mechanisms of exogenous substances involved in alleviating plant heat stress Feng, Di

10 C p.
94 Understanding the role of beneficial elements in developing plant stress resilience: Signalling and crosstalk with phytohormones and microbes Sarraf, Mohammad

10 C p.
95 Understanding the structure and function of GDSL-type esterase/lipase genes in pigeon pea for their role under moisture stress conditions Pahal, Suman

10 C p.
96 Unlocking the potential of newly isolated phytohormone-producing bacterial strains for enhanced plant growth and stress tolerance Shaffique, Shifa

10 C p.
97 Unraveling the importance of nitric oxide in plant-microbe interaction Khan, Ekhlaque A.

10 C p.
98 Use of zinc quantum dot biochar and AMF for alleviation of Cd stress in maize: Regulation of physiological and biochemical attributes Alotibi, Mashael M.

10 C p.
                             98 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland