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1 |
Articular cartilage debridement results in short-term significant improvements in patient-reported outcomes for large areas of cartilage loss of the femur in the setting of mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis
Mufti, Yusuf |
4 |
4 |
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2 |
Exosomes from the synovial microenvironment in joint homeostasis and osteoarthritis
Swami, Pooja N. |
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3 |
Knee valgus deformity: indications and outcomes for a high tibial medial closing-wedge osteotomy
Nuelle, Clayton W. |
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4 |
Predictive factors for response to viscosupplementation in patients with knee osteoarthritis: an analysis of clinical and imaging factors
Pinto, Gustavo Rossanese |
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5 |
Quantification of the cellular content of platelet-rich plasma harvested after injection of filgrastim versus pegfilgrastim biosimilars: a prospective, single-center, crossover study
Abbasian, Mohammadreza |
4 |
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6 |
Table of Contents
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7 |
The clinical potential of meniscal progenitor cells
Yan, Wan-Ting |
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8 |
Trends in knee cartilage repair procedures in the United States, 2010 to 2020
Thakkar, Akshar P. |
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9 |
Very-high-molecular-weight vs high-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid injections show long-term sustained benefits in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: a 15-year Indian cohort study
Aggarwal, Anish Kumar |
4 |
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10 |
Welcome to the final issue of JCJP 2024
Manfre, Miranda |
4 |
4 |
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