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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Concurrent meniscus and chondral injuries after anterior cruciate ligament injury are more common in elite versus recreational alpine skiers: a systematic review Featherall, Joseph

3 3 p.
2 Corrigendum to “Double-blinded prospective randomized clinical trial in knee joint osteoarthritis treatment: safety assessment and performance of trehalose hyaluronic acid versus standard infiltrative therapy based on medium-weight sodium hyaluronate” [Journal of Cartilage & Joint Preservation 2 (2022) 100043] Gobbi, Alberto

3 3 p.
3 Force plate testing is correlated with jumping performance in elite Nordic skiers Vasavada, Kinjal D.

3 3 p.
4 Guest editorial: special edition on ski and snowboarding injuries and related conditions Golant, Alexander

3 3 p.
5 Multiligament knee injuries in winter sports athletes Corsi, Matthew P.

3 3 p.
6 Patellofemoral disorders in winter sports Velasquez Hammerle, Maria V.

3 3 p.
7 Psychological readiness to return to the slopes following serious injury among competitive skiers and snowboarders Podlog, Leslie

3 3 p.
8 Table of Contents
3 3 p.
9 Tracing burnout during adolescence to past sports experiences: a retrospective analysis of sport-specific antecedents among alpine ski racers Fawver, Bradley

3 3 p.
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland