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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A novel method for the preparation and frozen storage of growth factors and cytokines obtained from platelet-rich plasma Brokhman, Irina

3 2 p.
2 Does the tidemark location matter in osteochondral allograft transplantation? A finite element analysis Manjunath, Amit K.

3 2 p.
3 Effect of increasing hyaluronic acid content in collagen scaffolds on the maintenance of chondrogenic phenotype in chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells Muran, Andrew C.

3 2 p.
4 Long-term results of particulated juvenile allograft cartilage implantation: a case report with eleven-year second-look arthroscopy and review of literature Richards, Jarod A.

3 2 p.
5 Medial femoral condyle width and osteochondritis dissecans: cause or effect and the implications for osteochondral allograft transplantation Mologne, Mitchell S.

3 2 p.
6 Orthobiologic injections for treating degenerative meniscus lesions: a matter of facts? Ten years of clinical experience in a systematic review Conte, Pietro

3 2 p.
7 Serum biomarkers in healthy, injured, and osteoarthritic knees: a critical review Burland, Julie P.

3 2 p.
8 Table of Contents
3 2 p.
9 Transtibial single-tunnel all-inside technique for repair of a complete radial meniscal tear Vadhera, Amar S.

3 2 p.
10 Trochlear morphology in healthy people: implications for osteochondral allograft transplantation Mologne, Mitchell S.

3 2 p.
11 Utilization of orthobiologic augmentation for meniscal repairs: current concepts and future perspectives Shimomura, Kazunori

3 2 p.
12 Welcome to the second JCJP issue of 2023 Frank, Rachel M.

3 2 p.
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland