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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Childhood health conditions and insomnia among adults in mid-life Sheehan, Connor

3 1 p.
2 Classification of MCI patients using vergence eye movements and pupil responses obtained during a visual oddball test Hashemi, Amin

3 1 p.
3 COVID-19 anxiety: The impact of older adults’ transmission of negative information and online social networks Dong, Linying

3 1 p.
4 Delirium education for geriatric patients and their families: A quality improvement initiative✰ Wong, Serena P.

3 1 p.
5 Digital technology use, in general and for health purposes, by older adults in Singapore Visaria, Abhijit

3 1 p.
6 Does GERAS DANCE improve gait in older adults? Hewston, Patricia

3 1 p.
7 Does pain matter in the Australian Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety? A text mining study Atee, Mustafa

3 1 p.
8 Dysfunction in the right putamen is associated with drooling in de novo Parkinson's disease Takatsu, Hiroki

3 1 p.
9 Inadequate functional capacity and health-related outcomes in older adults living in nursing homes in Greece Mitsiokapas, Vasilios

3 1 p.
10 Promoting age-friendly community of support and care in Japan's aging neighborhood: The Nagayama model Thang, Leng Leng

3 1 p.
11 Relevance of gut microbiota to Alzheimer's Disease (AD): Potential effects of probiotic in management of AD Dhami, Mahadev

3 1 p.
12 Risk factors and outcomes of delirium in hospitalized older adults with COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis Munawar, Nida

3 1 p.
13 Strategies for the study of neuroepigenetics and aging with a translational approach Ortiz-Rodríguez, María Araceli

3 1 p.
14 Trust in physicians predicts COVID-19 booster uptake among older adults: Evidence from a panel survey Viskupič, Filip

3 1 p.
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland