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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A multi-attention deep neural network model base on embedding and matrix factorization for recommendation Wang, Jing

1 C p. 70-77
2 An automated resource management framework for minimizing SLA violations and negotiation in collaborative cloud Kumar, K.S. Sendhil

1 C p. 27-35
3 A spatial feature engineering algorithm for creating air pollution health datasets Usmani, Raja Sher Afgun

1 C p. 98-107
4 Construction of domain ontology utilizing formal concept analysis and social media analytics Jindal, Rajni

1 C p. 62-69
5 Dual hesitant fuzzy graphs with applications to multi-attribute decision making Bai, Wenhui

1 C p. 18-26
6 Editorial-Inaugural Issue of International Journal of Cognitive Computing Engineering Sangaiah, Arun Kumar

1 C p. A1
7 Gingivitis detection by fractional Fourier entropy with optimization of hidden neurons Yan, Yan

1 C p. 36-44
8 Intelligent evaluation of teaching based on multi-networks integration Li, Guannan

1 C p. 9-17
9 Mapping ontology vertices to a line using hypergraph framework Zhu, Linli

1 C p. 1-8
10 Microarray cancer feature selection: Review, challenges and research directions Hambali, Moshood A.

1 C p. 78-97
11 Patch-based partial motion blurred segmentation Xiang, Lin

1 C p. 45-54
12 Type 2: Diabetes mellitus prediction using Deep Neural Networks classifier P, Bala Manoj Kumar

1 C p. 55-61
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland