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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An adaptive ant colony algorithm for crowdsourcing multi-depot vehicle routing problem with time windows Xue, Siping

4 C p. 62-75
2 Analysis of the factors influencing the stability of stored grains: Implications for agricultural sustainability and food security Tushar, Saifur Rahman

4 C p. 40-52
3 An investigation of the customer baseline load (CBL) calculation for industrial demand response participants –A regional case study from Iran Ghasemi, Abolfazl

4 C p. 88-95
4 Applying blockchain technology for vaccination in the context of COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis Al-Khattabi, Ghanim.Hamid.

4 C p. 183-191
5 A systematic analysis of machine learning and deep learning based approaches for identifying and diagnosing plant diseases Ahmed, Imtiaz

4 C p. 96-104
6 Barriers towards blockchain adoption in seafood exports Meera, M.S.

4 C p. 192-199
7 Comparison of the response efficiency between the fractal and traditional emergency organizations based on system dynamic simulation Fuhao, Zu

4 C p. 29-38
8 Designing a reliable aggregate production planning problem during the disaster period Santibanez Gonzalez, Ernesto DR.

4 C p. 158-171
9 3D printed medical surgical cotton fabric- poly lactic acid biocomposite: A feasibility study Shoeb, Mohd

4 C p. 130-146
10 Emergency traffic distribution and related traffic organization method under natural disasters Ma, Xiaogang

4 C p. 1-9
11 Erratum regarding previously published articles
4 C p. 39
12 Exploration of the drivers influencing the growth of hybrid electric vehicle adoption in the emerging economies: Implications towards sustainability and low-carbon economy Limon, Mohammad Hossain

4 C p. 76-87
13 Factors influencing sustainability in start-ups operations 4.0 Sreenivasan, Aswathy

4 C p. 105-118
14 Identification of benefits, challenges, and pathways in E-commerce industries: An integrated two-phase decision-making model Gupta, Srikant

4 C p. 200-218
15 Identifying the feasibility of ‘travelator roads’ for modern-era sustainable transportation and its prototyping using additive manufacturing Dhall, Sakshi

4 C p. 119-129
16 Management 4.0: Concept, applications and advancements Haleem, Abid

4 C p. 10-21
17 Optimization of solar energy using MPPT techniques and industry 4.0 modelling Patra, Bipasa

4 C p. 22-28
18 PAPQ: Predictive analytics of product quality in industry 4.0 Ahsan, Md.Anjar

4 C p. 53-61
19 Significant potential and materials used in additive manufacturing technologies towards sustainability Haleem, Abid

4 C p. 172-182
20 Sustainability, emission trading system and carbon leakage: An approach based on neural networks and multicriteria analysis D'Adamo, Idiano

4 C p. 147-157
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland