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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Addressing gender inequities in healthcare Emambokus, Nikla

3 5 p. 269
2 Awaking sleeping islets for a cure of diabetes Scheibner, Katharina

3 5 p. 279-280
3 Can we target obesity using a single-cell atlas of adipose tissue? Scheele, Camilla

3 5 p. 276-278
4 Closing the gap: How women can benefit more from science, research, policies, and health services Samaei, Mehrnoosh

3 5 p. 302-308
5 Completeness of clinical evidence citation in trial protocols: A cross-sectional analysis Sheng, Jacky

3 5 p. 335-343.e6
6 Minding the gender gap in fertility: The rationale, obstacles, and strategies to improve utilization of fertility preservation Adeleye, Amanda J.

3 5 p. 293-297
7 mRNA-1273 and Ad26.COV2.S vaccines protect against the B.1.621 variant of SARS-CoV-2 Darling, Tamarand L.

3 5 p. 309-324.e6
8 Paying attention to minutiae: Strain level differences drive disease etiology Newhall, Kevin P.

3 5 p. 270-272
9 Rapid emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant is associated with an infection advantage over Delta in vaccinated persons Chaguza, Chrispin

3 5 p. 325-334.e4
10 Restoring type VII collagen in skin Lwin, Su M.

3 5 p. 273-275
11 Sex, gender, and intersectional puzzles in health and biomedicine research Schiebinger, Londa

3 5 p. 284-287
12 Synthesizing sex and gender inequities in traumatic brain injury to catalyze inclusive policy and health services initiatives Mollayeva, Tatyana

3 5 p. 289-293
13 The benefits of investing in women’s health Choo, Esther K.

3 5 p. 287-289
14 The gender health innovation gap: A perspective from the NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health White, Jamie

3 5 p. 298-301
15 Trust your gut when it comes to driving CARs Chelvanambi, Manoj

3 5 p. 281-283
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland