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                             26 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Coherently degenerate state engineering of organic small molecule materials to generate Wannier excitons Weerasinghe, Krishanthi C.

4 C p.
2 Combined synthesis of carbon nanospheres and carbon nanotubes using thermal chemical vapor deposition process Sivamaran, V.

4 C p.
3 Complexation of Pr3+ with L-methionine in the presence/absence of Mg2+ : Their reaction dynamics and thermodynamic properties Thakro, Zevivonü

4 C p.
4 Does the chemical activity of an interstitial hydrogen at surface of solids arise from Pauli repulsion? Junhan, You

4 C p.
5 Editorial — Dynamics in complex chemical systems Mukherjee, Saptarshi

4 C p.
6 Effect of La3+-doping in silver niobate for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and Rhodamine B Khor, Chun Mun

4 C p.
7 Effect of unipolar magnetic fields on UV absorption and evaporation of water Shalatonin, Valery

4 C p.
8 Electro-physical properties of GaAs nanoscopic clusters Kletsov, Aleksey A.

4 C p.
9 Evaluation of electron ionization cross-sections of CFCl3 molecule by using a semi-empirical approach Sharma, Pawan Kumar

4 C p.
10 Exploring the surfactant structure efficacy in controlling growth and stability of HgS nanoparticles in aqueous medium Kumar, Sanjay

4 C p.
11 Fabrication and photoluminescent features of cool-white light emanating Dy3+ doped Ba5Zn4Gd8O21 nanophosphors for near UV-excited pc-WLEDs Sheoran, Monika

4 C p.
12 Facile preparation of Nb2O5/TiO2 heterostructures for photocatalytic application Ücker, Cátia Liane

4 C p.
13 First-principles investigation of Rb2Tl(As/Bi)I6 for green technology Gourav,

4 C p.
14 Interplay of structural factors in molecular dynamics of microphase-separated or microphase- mixed structures of polyurethanes revealed by solid-state NMR and dielectric spectroscopy Ostanin, Stepan A.

4 C p.
15 Investigation of FRET from organic dyes to silver nanoparticles and structural properties using the DFT/TD-DFT approach Deepa, HR

4 C p.
16 Isotopic patterns via neutron irradiation and gamma spectrometry of environmental samples Olacel, A.

4 C p.
17 Mass independent isotopic fractionation: A key to plasma chemistry Robert, François

4 C p.
18 Nanocatalyst in remediating environmental pollutants Ningthoujam, Rina

4 C p.
19 On the hydromagnetic reaction of Oldroyd 8-constant Arrhenius exothermic fluid and explosion slice-chain in a plane Couette Salawu, S.O.

4 C p.
20 Pico-second resolved Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) differentiates self-assembled biological macromolecules in aqueous medium Roy, Lopamudra

4 C p.
21 Prediction of size, precursor ratio and monodispersity of silica nanospheres though adaptive neuro- fuzzy inference system Nair, Anish

4 C p.
22 Structural, electronic, and optical properties of the PAI-BN monolayer: A first-principles study Pontes, J.M.

4 C p.
23 Synthesis, characterization, DFT studies, and molecular modeling of azo dye derivatives as potential candidate for trypanosomiasis treatment Agwamba, Ernest C.

4 C p.
24 The effect of measurement parameters on the performance of the sensors in the detection of organic compound vapours Malepe, Lesego

4 C p.
25 Theoretical probing to the reactivity and biological effects of the phytochemical, coumestrol and its derivatives Puthanveedu, Vinduja

4 C p.
26 Unraveling the mechanism of tau protein aggregation in presence of zinc ion: The earliest step of tau aggregation Chowdhury, S. Roy

4 C p.
                             26 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland