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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 BLASTNet: A call for community-involved big data in combustion machine learning Chung, Wai Tong

12 C p.
2 Comparison of properties of biochar produced from different types of lignocellulosic biomass by slow pyrolysis at 600 °C Wang, Liang

12 C p.
3 Counterflow flame extinction of ammonia and its blends with hydrogen and C1-C3 hydrocarbons Alfazazi, Adamu

12 C p.
4 Deep neural networks to correct sub-precision errors in CFD Haridas, Akash

12 C p.
5 Effect of heating rate and feedstock nature on electrical conductivity of biochar and biochar-based composites Bartoli, Mattia

12 C p.
6 Iron as recyclable energy carrier: Feasibility study and kinetic analysis of iron oxide reduction Kuhn, C.

12 C p.
7 Laminar burning velocity of hydrogen, methane, ethane, ethylene, and propane flames at near-cryogenic temperatures Ghosh, Anupam

12 C p.
8 Large-scale thermochemistry calculations for combustion models Yalamanchi, Kiran K.

12 C p.
9 LES/flamelet/ANN of oxy-fuel combustion for a supercritical CO2 power cycle Kasuya, Hiroki

12 C p.
10 Machine learning tabulation of thermochemistry of fuel blends Ding, Tianjie

12 C p.
11 NH3 oxidation by NO2 in a jet-stirred reactor: The effect of significant uncertainties in H2NO kinetics Cornell, Rodger E.

12 C p.
12 Ozone-assisted low temperature oxidation of methanol and ethanol Liu, Bingzhi

12 C p.
13 Phase-locked absorption tomography for retrieving 5 kHz time-resolved tracer profiles in solid fuel combustion Emmert, Johannes

12 C p.
14 Replicating HCCI-like autoignition behavior: What gasoline surrogate fidelity is needed? Cheng, Song

12 C p.
15 Shock-tube study of the ignition and product formation of fuel-rich CH4/ozone/air and natural gas/ozone/air mixtures at high pressure Herzler, Jürgen

12 C p.
16 The effects of flame orientation and mean shear on flame stretch in highly turbulent premixed flames using DNS Tian, Tingquan

12 C p.
17 Thermo-Catalytic Reforming (TCR)–An important link between waste management and renewable fuels as part of the energy transition Hornung, Andreas

12 C p.
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland