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                             23 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advantages and disadvantages of the animal models v. in vitro studies in iron metabolism: a review García, Y.

7 10 p. 1651-1658
2 ANM volume 7 issue 10 Cover and Back matter
7 10 p. b1-b5
3 ANM volume 7 issue 10 Cover and Front matter
7 10 p. f1-f4
4 Cattle and sheep develop preference for drinking water containing grape seed tannin* Kronberg, S.L.

7 10 p. 1714-1720
5 Comparison of piecewise Weibull baseline survival models for estimation of true and functional longevity in Brown cattle raised in small herds Jenko, J.

7 10 p. 1583-1591
6 Consequences of a low litter birth weight phenotype for postnatal lean growth performance and neonatal testicular morphology in the pig Smit, M.N.

7 10 p. 1681-1689
7 Differences in rate of ruminal hydrogenation of C18 fatty acids in clover and ryegrass Lejonklev, J.

7 10 p. 1607-1613
8 Effect of detoxified karanja (Pongamia spp.) cake on testicular architecture and semen production in ram lambs Dineshkumar, D.

7 10 p. 1697-1703
9 Effect of different contents of extruded linseed in the sow diet on piglet fatty acid composition and hepatic desaturase expression during the post-natal period de Quelen, F.

7 10 p. 1671-1680
10 Effects of combined liver and udder biopsying on the acute phase response of dairy cows with experimentally induced E. coli mastitis Khatun, M.

7 10 p. 1721-1730
11 Effects of forage intake level on nitrogen net flux by portal-drained viscera of mature sheep with abomasal infusion of an amino acid mixture EL-Sabagh, M.

7 10 p. 1614-1621
12 Effects of water restriction on growth performance, feed nutrient digestibility, carcass and meat traits of rabbits Bovera, F.

7 10 p. 1600-1606
13 Energy balance of individual cows can be estimated in real-time on farm using frequent liveweight measures even in the absence of body condition score Thorup, V.M.

7 10 p. 1631-1639
14 Energy metabolism by splanchnic tissues of mature sheep fed varying levels of lucerne hay cubes EL-Sabagh, M.

7 10 p. 1622-1630
15 Heritability and repeatability of milk coagulation properties predicted by mid-infrared spectroscopy during routine data recording, and their relationships with milk yield and quality traits Tiezzi, F.

7 10 p. 1592-1599
16 Methyl-β-cyclodextrin alters adipokine gene expression and glucose metabolism in swine adipose tissue* Ramsay, T.G.

7 10 p. 1690-1696
17 MicroRNAs in farm animals Wang, X.

7 10 p. 1567-1575
18 Muscle fiber characteristics of pectoralis major muscle as related to muscle mass in different Japanese quail lines Choi, Y.M.

7 10 p. 1665-1670
19 Osteochondrosis in pigs diagnosed with computed tomography: heritabilities and genetic correlations to weight gain in specific age intervals Aasmundstad, T.

7 10 p. 1576-1582
20 Post-hatching ontogeny of intestinal proton-coupled folate transporter and reduced folate carrier in broiler chickens Jing, M.

7 10 p. 1659-1664
21 Precursors for liver gluconeogenesis in periparturient dairy cows* Larsen, M.

7 10 p. 1640-1650
22 The behaviour and welfare of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in modern dairy enterprises Napolitano, F.

7 10 p. 1704-1713
23 The effect of slurry on skin permeability to methylene blue dye in dairy cows with and without a history of digital dermatitis Palmer, M.A.

7 10 p. 1731-1737
                             23 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland