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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 ANM volume 4 issue 4 Cover and Back matter
4 4 p. b1-b4
2 ANM volume 4 issue 4 Cover and Front matter
4 4 p. f1-f4
3 Effect of age on spermiogram of Holstein Friesian × Sahiwal crossbred bulls Mandal, D.K.

4 4 p. 595-603
4 Effect of offering dairy cows diets differing in phosphorus concentration over four successive lactations: 1. Food intake, milk production, tissue changes and blood metabolites Ferris, C.P.

4 4 p. 545-559
5 Effect of offering dairy cows diets differing in phosphorus concentration over four successive lactations: 2. Health, fertility, bone phosphorus reserves and nutrient utilisation Ferris, C.P.

4 4 p. 560-571
6 Effects of duration of zilpaterol hydrochloride supplementation on growth performance, carcass traits and meat quality of grain-fed cull cows Strydom, P.E.

4 4 p. 653-660
7 Effects of supplementation of maize silage diets with extruded linseed, vitamin E and plant extracts rich in polyphenols, and morning v. evening milking on milk fatty acid profiles in Holstein and Montbéliarde cows Ferlay, A.

4 4 p. 627-640
8 Evaluation of quality changes in udder quarter milk from cows with low-to-moderate somatic cell counts Forsbäck, L.

4 4 p. 617-626
9 Genetic parameters for resistance to trichostrongylid infection in dairy sheep Gutiérrez-Gil, B.

4 4 p. 505-512
10 Genetic parameters for tissue and fatty acid composition of backfat, perirenal fat and longissimus muscle in Large White and Landrace pigs Sellier, P.

4 4 p. 497-504
11 Genotype–environment interactions for growth and carcass traits in different pig breeds kept under conventional and organic production systems Brandt, H.

4 4 p. 535-544
12 Impact of diet composition on ileal digestibility and small intestinal morphology in early-weaned pigs fitted with a T-cannula Kluess, J.

4 4 p. 586-594
13 Microarray analysis of genes differentially expressed in the liver of lean and fat chickens Wang, H.B.

4 4 p. 513-522
14 Molecular cloning, expression and polymorphism of the porcine apolipoprotein A5 gene in a Jinhua × Pietrain F2 reference population Zhang, L.F.

4 4 p. 523-529
15 Pigs’ aggressive temperament affects pre-slaughter mixing aggression, stress and meat quality D’Eath, R.B.

4 4 p. 604-616
16 Production performance and pattern of milk fat depression of high-yielding dairy cows supplemented with encapsulated conjugated linoleic acid Moallem, U.

4 4 p. 641-652
17 Real-time PCR genotyping and frequency of the myostatin F94L mutation in beef cattle breeds Vankan, D.M.

4 4 p. 530-534
18 The effect of dietary laminarin and fucoidan in the diet of the weanling piglet on performance, selected faecal microbial populations and volatile fatty acid concentrations McDonnell, P.

4 4 p. 579-585
19 The effect of vitamin E and plant extract mixture composed of carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde and capsaicin on oxidative stress induced by high PUFA load in young pigs Frankič, T.

4 4 p. 572-578
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland