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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Associations between the breeding values of Holstein-Friesian bulls and longevity and culling reasons of their daughters Adamczyk, K.

15 5 p.
2 Betaine increases net portal absorption of volatile fatty acids in Iberian pigs Lachica, M.

15 5 p.
3 Colorimetry analysis of coat color and its relationship with fiber traits in alpacas Cruz, A.

15 5 p.
4 Converting multi-trait breeding objectives into operative selection indexes to ensure genetic gains in low-input sheep and goat breeding programmes Mueller, J.P.

15 5 p.
5 Determination of maintenance energy requirement and responses of dry ewes to dietary inclusion of lucerne versus concentrate meal Wang, C.M.

15 5 p.
6 Dietary metabolizable energy, digestible lysine, available phosphorus levels and exogenous enzymes affect broiler chicken performance Cozannet, P.

15 5 p.
7 Does a single adjustment in the meat standards Australia beef grading model cater for different hormonal growth promotant formulations? Packer, D.T.

15 5 p.
8 Editorial Board
15 5 p.
9 Effects and interaction of dietary calcium and non-phytate phosphorus for slow-growing yellow-feathered broilers during the starter phase Wang, Y.B.

15 5 p.
10 Effects of bismuth subsalicylate and calcium-ammonium nitrate on ruminal in vitro fermentation of bahiagrass hay with supplemental molasses Henry, D.D.

15 5 p.
11 Estimation of (co)variance components, genetic parameters, and genetic trends of growth traits in community-based breeding programs of Bonga sheep Areb, E.

15 5 p.
12 Garlic skin induces shifts in the rumen microbiome and metabolome of fattening lambs Zhu, W.

15 5 p.
13 Lambs’ live weight estimation using 3D images Samperio, E.

15 5 p.
14 Lysine requirements of finishing boars and gilts: A meta-analysis Aymerich, P.

15 5 p.
15 Performance, health, and physiological responses of newly received feedlot cattle supplemented with pre- and probiotic ingredients Colombo, E.A.

15 5 p.
16 The role of energy, serine, glycine, and 1-carbon units in the cost of nitrogen excretion in mammals and birds van Milgen, J.

15 5 p.
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland