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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age-related disparities in diabetes risk attributable to modifiable risk factor profiles in Chinese adults: a nationwide, population-based, cohort study Wang, Tiange

2 10 p. e618-e628
2 Age-related disparities in modifiable risk factors for diabetes in adult populations Chen, Ruoling

2 10 p. e602-e603
3 Changes in healthy and unhealthy working-life expectancy over the period 2002–17: a population-based study in people aged 51–65 years in 14 OECD countries Boissonneault, Michaël

2 10 p. e629-e638
4 Characterising the relationships between physiological indicators and all-cause mortality (NHANES): a population-based cohort study Nguyen, Vy Kim

2 10 p. e651-e662
5 Healthy and unhealthy working-life expectancy: opportunities and challenges Dudel, Christian

2 10 p. e604-e605
6 How many frailties exist? Cesari, Matteo

2 10 p. e615
7 How many frailties exist? – Authors' reply Panza, Francesco

2 10 p. e616
8 Is cancer biology different in older patients? Van Herck, Yannick

2 10 p. e663-e677
9 Late-life learning and health: challenges, opportunities, and future directions Zeki Al Hazzouri, Adina

2 10 p. e613-e614
10 News in Brief Barksby, Rebecca

2 10 p. e617
11 Not a disease: a global call for action urging revision of the ICD-11 classification of old age Banerjee, Debanjan

2 10 p. e610-e612
12 Polypharmacy and risk of admission to hospital in people ageing with HIV: what is the contribution of drug–drug interactions? Allavena, Clotilde

2 10 p. e606-e607
13 Polypharmacy-associated risk of hospitalisation among people ageing with and without HIV: an observational study Justice, Amy C

2 10 p. e639-e650
14 Re-evaluating physiological indicators for all-cause mortality Clouston, Sean

2 10 p. e608-e609
15 Tackling the Digital Divide The Lancet Healthy Longevity,

2 10 p. e601
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland