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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Exogenous testosterone replacement therapy versus raising endogenous testosterone levels: current and future prospects Khodamoradi, Kajal

2 1 p. 32-42
2 Large for gestational age after frozen embryo transfer: an evaluation of the possible causes for this relationship Gaume, Rachel E.

2 1 p. 21-31
3 Polycystic ovary syndrome and the forgotten uterus Hosseinzadeh, Pardis

2 1 p. 11-20
4 Preconceptual care for couples seeking fertility treatment, an evidence-based approach Chronopoulou, Elpiniki

2 1 p. 57-74
5 Predicting the outcomes of assisted reproductive technology treatments: a systematic review and quality assessment of prediction models Henderson, Ian

2 1 p. 1-10
6 Preimplantation genetic testing: a review of current modalities Harris, Benjamin S.

2 1 p. 43-56
7 Sperm morphology and its disorders in the context of infertility Oehninger, Sergio

2 1 p. 75-92
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland