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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Calves are socially motivated Ede, Thomas

3 1 p. 44-48
2 Cross-sectional study of antimicrobial use and treatment decision for preweaning Canadian dairy calves Uyama, Tamaki

3 1 p. 72-77
3 Early-life heat stress exposure impacts dairy calf feeding and thermoregulatory behavior Dado-Senn, Bethany

3 1 p. 38-43
4 Editorial Board
3 1 p. iii
5 Effect of a very low negative dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) diet on plasma and urine metabolomics of prepartum Holstein cows Melendez, P.

3 1 p. 59-65
6 Effects of oral white willow bark (Salix alba) and intravenous flunixin meglumine on prostaglandin E2 in healthy dairy calves Phillips, H.N.

3 1 p. 49-54
7 Exploring the role of milk yield in the first week of lactation on the association between hyperketonemia and reproductive performance in dairy cattle Rodriguez, Z.

3 1 p. 7-12
8 Factors contributing to milk yield variation among cows in a cow–calf contact system in early lactation Mutua, Eva K.

3 1 p. 55-58
9 Human continuous glucose monitors for measurement of glucose in dairy cows Byrd, M.K.H.

3 1 p. 78-83
10 Is greater milk production associated with dairy cows who have a greater probability of ruminating while lying down? McWilliams, C.J.

3 1 p. 66-71
11 Near-infrared calibration models for estimating volatile fatty acids and methane production from in vitro rumen fermentation of different total mixed rations Ghilardelli, F.

3 1 p. 19-25
12 Screening and characterization of β-galactosidase activity in lactic acid bacteria for the valorization of acid whey Kolev, Petar

3 1 p. 1-6
13 Table of Contents
3 1 p. i-ii
14 The response to genetic merit for milk production in dairy cows differs by cow body weight Berry, D.P.

3 1 p. 32-37
15 Validation of an alternate method for monitoring the presence of cows at the feed bunk in a Calan Broadbent Feeding System using a 3-axis, data-logging accelerometer Matamoros, Cesar

3 1 p. 26-31
16 Validation of 2 urine pH measuring techniques in a prepartum negative dietary cation-anion difference diet and the relationship with production performance Fehlberg, L.K.

3 1 p. 13-18
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland