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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An artificial intelligence–enabled ECG algorithm for comprehensive ECG interpretation: Can it pass the ‘Turing test’? Kashou, Anthony H.

2 3 p. 164-170
2 Design, deployment, and usability of a mobile system for cardiovascular health monitoring within the electronic Framingham Heart Study Ding, Eric Y.

2 3 p. 171-178
3 Feasibility of atrial fibrillation detection from a novel wearable armband device Bashar, Syed Khairul

2 3 p. 179-191
4 How industry alignment and best practices can improve patient care Shapiro, Gary

2 3 p. 154-155
5 Large-scale identification of aortic stenosis and its severity using natural language processing on electronic health records Solomon, Matthew D.

2 3 p. 156-163
6 Letter from the Deputy Editor Ghanbari, Hamid

2 3 p. 153
7 Patient Perspective: Digital tools give afib patients more control Hills, Mellanie True

2 3 p. 192-194
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland