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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Camelina sativa, a short gestation oilseed crop with biofuel potential: Opportunities for Indian scenario Agarwal, Ankur

6 3 p. 114-121
2 CRISPR-based genome editing technology and its applications in oil crops He, Jianjie

6 3 p. 105-113
3 Development and application of molecular markers for TSW (thousand-seed weight) related gene BnaGRF7.C02 in Brassica napus Zhao, Jing

6 3 p. 145-150
4 Effect of microwave pre-treatment on physical quality, bioactive compounds, safety risk factor, and storage stability of peanut butter Degon, Jefferson G.

6 3 p. 137-144
5 Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the Rf-m candidate genes encoding pentatricopeptide repeat proteins in soybean Wang, Dagang

6 3 p. 128-136
6 Nutritional evaluation, fatty acid analysis and anticancer properties investigation of seeds from kan-zaw, a potential diet oil and medicinal plant Lwin, Moe Moe

6 3 p. 122-127
7 Resilience of oilseed rape plants to drought stress after exogenous application of AM1, an ABA-mimicking ligand Liu, Lixin

6 3 p. 151-157
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland