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1 |
A hybrid waste–solar power generation and waste disposal system in Luang Prabang, Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR)
Yangchongthuochuaya, Khamxay |
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2 |
A machine learning approach to understand how accessibility influences alluvial gold mining expansion in the Peruvian Amazon
Larrea-Gallegos, Gustavo |
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3 |
Analyses of sustainable indicators of water resources for redesigning the health promoting water delivery networks: A case study in Sahneh, Iran
Moussavi, Seyedeh Parvin |
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4 |
An electrocoagulation (EC) process with a novel edge insulated electrode for separation of oil-in-water emulsions
Wang, Jun-Ying |
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5 |
An insight into the potential of dolomite powder as a sorbent in the elimination of heavy metals: A review
Khoshraftar, Zohreh |
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6 |
Antibacterial-based ionic liquids for environmental wastewater treatment
Zunita, Megawati |
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7 |
Application of ornamental plants in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment: A scientometric analysis
García-Ávila, Fernando |
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8 |
Application of titanium carbide/nitride (MXene)-based NPs in adsorption of radionuclides and heavy metal ions for wastewater remediation: A review
Nezami, Shanli |
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9 |
A review on mpox (monkeypox) virus shedding in wastewater and its persistence evaluation in environmental samples
Atoui, Ali |
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10 |
Assessing extraction-analysis methodology to detect fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOH), a class of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), in artificial turf fibers and crumb rubber infill
Zuccaro, Philip |
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11 |
Assessment of attitude and participation level among the households and local merchants toward single-use plastic waste management: A case study in Balikpapan Municipality, Indonesia
Bagastyo, Arseto Yekti |
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12 |
Biopolymers-based microencapsulation technology for sustainable textiles development: A short review
Peng, Xiongyi |
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13 |
Carbon capture and utilization in waste to energy approach by leading-edge algal photo-bioreactors: The influence of the illumination wavelength
Oliva, Giuseppina |
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14 |
Castor seeds hull activated carbon impregnated with silver nanoparticles for removal of Escherichia coli from water
Neme, Ibsa |
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15 |
Clean water recycling through adsorption via heterogeneous nanocomposites: Silver-based metal-organic framework embellished with graphene oxide and MXene
Dadashi Firouzjaei, Mostafa |
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16 |
Combination of biochar filtration and ozonation processes in livestock wastewater treatment and application for soil cultivation
Thao, Nguyen Thi Phuong |
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17 |
Computational fluid dynamic model for smoke control of building basement
Nguyen, Tue Duy |
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18 |
Continuous dewatering of sludge and aqueous slurries by sodium polyacrylate
Asafu-Adjaye, Osei |
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19 |
Control of eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems by sustainable dredging: Effectiveness, environmental impacts, and implications
Riza, Mumtahina |
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20 |
Cost determination of using bioethanol to improve properties of Nigerian gasoline
Olugbenga, Adeola Grace |
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21 |
CuFe2O4/activated carbon nanocomposite for efficient photocatalytic degradation of dye: Green synthesis approaches using the waste of oil palm empty bunches and bio-capping agent
Rahmayeni, |
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22 |
Design of batch process with machine learning, feature extraction, and direct inverse analysis
Yamakage, Shuto |
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23 |
Determination of the filtration speed under suspensions pressure in the sugar processing
Tkachenko, Serhii Volodymyrovych |
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24 |
Developments in treatment technologies of dye-containing effluent: A review
Valli Nachiyar, C. |
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25 |
Enhancing photodegradation of methylene blue and reusability using CoO/ZnO composite nanoparticles
Rini, Nugraheni Puspita |
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26 |
Enhancing renewable energy production from water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) by a biogas-aerating recirculation system: A case study in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
Nam, Tran Sy |
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27 |
Estimating the output power and wind speed with ML methods: A case study in Texas
Malakouti, Seyed Matin |
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28 |
Estimation and prediction of methane gas generation from landfill sites in Dhaka city, Bangladesh
Toha, Mohammad |
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29 |
Experimental evidence on the prolonged stability of CO2 hydrates in the self-preservation region
Burla, Sai Kiran |
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30 |
Experimental, response surface methodology (RSM) and mass transfer modeling of heavy metals elimination using dolomite powder as an economical adsorbent
Khoshraftar, Zohreh |
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31 |
Exploring artificial neural network approach and RSM modeling in the prediction of CO2 capture using carbon molecular sieves
Ghaemi, Ahad |
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32 |
Extracting minerals from desalination brine using innovative capacitive photo electrocatalytic desalination cells (cPEDC)
Ahmadiaras, Arezoo |
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33 |
Food poisoning: A case study in Vietnam
Thi, Hue Vu |
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34 |
Heavy metals in chrome-tanned shaving of the tannery industry are a potential hazard to the environment of Bangladesh
Shaibur, Molla Rahman |
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35 |
Human health hazard implications of heavy metals concentration in swimming crab (Callinectes amnicola) from polluted creeks in Rivers State, Nigeria
Anyanwu, Brilliance Onyinyechi |
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36 |
Identifying the land use land cover (LULC) changes using remote sensing and GIS approach: A case study at Bhaluka in Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Seyam, Md Mahadi Hasan |
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37 |
Impact of positive and negative pressure on rice straw torrefaction: Optimization using response surface methodology
Seithtanabutara, Varinrumpai |
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38 |
Isothermal gasification kinetics of char from municipal solid waste ingredients using the thermo-gravimetric analysis
Abolpour, Bahador |
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39 |
Life cycle assessment of Tehran Municipal solid waste during the COVID-19 pandemic and environmental impacts prediction using machine learning
Shekoohiyan, Sakine |
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40 |
Lithium adsorption from aqueous solution using aluminum hydroxide: Characterization, optimization by response surface methodology, kinetic modelling, and isotherm studies
Al-dhawi, Baker Nasser Saleh |
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41 |
Management of 137Cs in electric arc furnace dust by solid-liquid extraction and treatment of contaminated wastewater using co-precipitation
Sopapan, P. |
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42 |
Mapping and assessment of carbon sequestration potential and its drivers in the Eastern Himalayan Region (India)
Das, Manob |
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43 |
Modeling the effects of reservoir operation on algal dynamics
Jeznach, Lillian C. |
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44 |
Modelling and optimization for an operating giant gas plant in Egypt
Shebl, Mohamed G. |
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45 |
Occurrence and health risks assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in road dust and soil samples at Dhaka city, Bangladesh
Akter, Rubaiya |
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46 |
Optimisation of eggshell-zeolite composite as a potential surfactant adsorbent for hand-washing wastewater
Turyasingura, Medard |
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47 |
Optimized industrial sorting of WEEE plastics: Development of fast and robust h-XRF technique for hazardous components
Chaine, Cecilia |
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48 |
Osamilite (K–Na–Ca–Mg–Fe–Al–S): A derived base catalyst for the synthesis of biodiesel from blends of pumpkin seed oil-goat fat-poultry waste fat
Akhabue, E.R. |
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49 |
Particulate matters pollution in selected areas of Nigeria: Spatial analysis and risk assessment
Lala, M.A. |
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50 |
Performance, exhaust emission, and wear behavior of a direct-injection engine using biodiesel from Yang-Na (Dipterocarpus Alatus) oleoresins
Sakkampang, Chatcharin |
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51 |
Performance of chemically modified Tripoli in catalytic pyrolysis of date kernels
Aljeradat, Rima A. |
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52 |
Physicochemical characteristics of ashes deposited on a wall flow diesel particulate filter of compression ignition engine
Rodvanna, Sattatad |
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53 |
Potential Egyptian bacterial consortium for oil spill treatment: A laboratory simulation
Elkemary, Aya |
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54 |
Potentials of algae-based activated carbon for the treatment of in wastewater
Husien, Sh |
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55 |
Prediction of CO2 solubility in water at high pressure and temperature via deep learning and response surface methodology
Khoshraftar, Zohreh |
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56 |
Preparation and characterization of biochar: A case study on textile and food industry sludge management
Akter, Beauty |
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57 |
Preparation of environmental friendly plastic brick from high-density polyethylene waste
Sarwar, Sabiha |
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58 |
Pretreated palm oil clinker as an attached growth media for organic matter removal from synthetic domestic wastewater in a sequencing batch reactor
Al-dhawi, Baker Nasser Saleh |
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59 |
Processing and characterization of magnetic composites of activated carbon, fly ash, and beach sand as adsorbents for Cr(VI) removal
Al-Qodah, Zakaria |
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60 |
Process intensification of selective acetylene hydrogenation reactor by bed configuration change: A case study of an ethylene plant
Dehghani, Ourmaz |
7 |
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61 |
Promoting energy and resource recovery from livestock waste: Case study Yuge Farm, Japan
Richards, D. |
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62 |
Pyrolysis of PP and HDPE from plastic packaging waste into liquid hydrocarbons using natural zeolite Lampung as a catalyst
Hendrawati, |
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63 |
Quantification and characterization of solid waste generated within Mulago national referral hospital, Uganda, East Africa
Osman, Ayan Muse |
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64 |
Recent trends of spinel ferrites (MFe2O4: Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) applications as an environmentally friendly catalyst in multicomponent reactions: A review
Liandi, Agus Rimus |
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65 |
Recovery and extraction of platinum from spent catalysts: A review
Kolbadinejad, Somayeh |
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66 |
Riverbank macro-litters monitoring in downstream of Saigon river, Ho Chi Minh City
Nguyen, Kieu Lan Phuong |
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67 |
Salinity-induced change in green vegetation and land use patterns using remote sensing, NDVI, and GIS techniques: A case study on the southwestern coast of Bangladesh
Rashid, Md. Bazlar |
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68 |
Simulating and predicting future land-use/land cover trends using CA- Markov and LCM models
Ait El Haj, Fatiha |
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69 |
Soil concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyl in a typical Nigerian University environment and its risk assessment
Adesina, Olusola Adedayo |
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70 |
Solubility prediction of CO2 in ionic liquids under subcritical and supercritical carbon dioxide conditions by the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
Heidari, Samira |
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71 |
Study on the chitinase-induced efficiency against anthracnose on soybean plant by oligochitosan-Zn2+ complexes
Dang, Phu Van |
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72 |
Synthesis of mesoporous silica with ricinoleic methyl ester (Ricinus communis) as a template for adsorption copper (II) with optimizing Box-Behnken design
Andriayani, |
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73 |
Synthesis of nano-CaO catalyst with SiO2 matrix based on palm shell ash as catalyst support for one cycle developed in the palm biodiesel process
Manurung, R. |
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74 |
Temperature calibration effect on FTS activity and product selectivity using Fe-MOF catalyst
Rashed, Ahmed E. |
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75 |
The effect of cylinder wall cooling and vortex finder (tapered in-out) geometry on temperature, heat rate, and flow field to increase cyclone performance using CFD
Yohana, Eflita |
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76 |
The role of aeration and pre-chlorination prior to coagulation-flocculation process in water treatment: A laboratory and field research in Indonesia
Bagastyo, Arseto Yekti |
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77 |
The role of corporate social responsibility activities in employees’ perception of brand reputation and brand equity
Vuong, Tuan Khanh |
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78 |
Two-dimensional infrared for monitoring the structural variations of UV-aged recycled polypropylene straps used in the Ecuadorian banana industry
Mite-Guzmán, Nury |
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79 |
Use of plantain peel adsorbents for the reduction of carbon monoxide from biogas for use as chick heating energy in an egg production industry
Gbangbo, Konan Remis |
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80 |
Utilizing time series data from 1961 to 2019 recorded around the world and machine learning to create a Global Temperature Change Prediction Model
Malakouti, Seyed Matin |
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