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1 |
A better understanding of seawater reverse osmosis brine: Characterizations, uses, and energy requirements
Khan, Mariam |
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2 |
Advances in biotechnological applications of waste cooking oil
Awogbemi, Omojola |
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3 |
An Integrated Cadmium Extraction System (ICES) effective reduction of cadmium in the soil for bench-scale and field study application
Sanderson, Da-Vaugh |
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4 |
An integrated, modular biorefinery for the treatment of food waste in urban areas
Laibach, Natalie |
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5 |
A novel approach on leaching study for removal of toxic elements from thermal power plant-based fly ash using natural bio-surfactant
Das, Shaswat Kumar |
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6 |
Biochar derived from the spent coffee ground for ammonium adsorption from aqueous solution
Nguyen, Van-Truc |
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7 |
Biodegradation of poultry feather waste by keratinase producing Bacillus cereus strain isolated from poultry farms waste disposal site
Yadav, Sonam |
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8 |
Bivalves with potential for monitoring microplastics in South America
Staichak, Gabriel |
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9 |
Cartoon as support material in education for biodiversity conservation: The feasibility of using “the Tom and Jerry show”, “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” and “Masha and the Bear” series in elementary school
da Silva Caixeta, Wender |
4 |
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10 |
Conversion of food waste-derived lipid to bio-based polyurethane foam
Lin, Carol Sze Ki |
4 |
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11 |
Co-occurring indicator pathogens for SARS-CoV-2: A review with emphasis on exposure rates and treatment technologies
Khan, Afzal Husain |
4 |
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12 |
Design, build and demonstration of a fast, reliable portable phosphate field analyser
O'Grady, Joyce |
4 |
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13 |
Electrified biotrickling filters as tertiary urban wastewater treatment
Osset-Álvarez, Miguel |
4 |
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14 |
Energy pathway for transitioning to a circular economy within wastewater services
Zvimba, John N. |
4 |
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15 |
Enhancement of phosphate adsorption by chemically modified biochars derived from Mimosa pigra invasive plant
Phuong Tran, Thi Cuc |
4 |
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16 |
Environmental protection liner in a biodegradable waste pond: A case study
Lavoie, Fernando Luiz |
4 |
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17 |
Fluorescence microscopic visualization of halophile Bacillus tequilensis CH and mixed culture of acidophilic bacteria
Panda, Sandeep |
4 |
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18 |
From the value chain to environmental management of used lube oil: A baseline study in Bangladesh
Islam, Md Shahinoor |
4 |
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19 |
Functionalized cellulose nanocrystals as a novel adsorption material for removal of boron from water
Wahib, Sara A. |
4 |
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20 |
Hydrogen sulfide levels in the ambient air of municipal solid waste management facilities: A case study in Portugal
Nunes, M.I. |
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21 |
Impact of electrodes' configuration in an electrokinetic cell for oil-water separation
Al Ansari, Zainab |
4 |
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22 |
Indispensable role of coal as an energy source in Turkey with focus on biodesulphurization studies and advances
Mishra, Srabani |
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23 |
Insights into the ambient temperature startup of an anaerobic ceramic membrane bioreactor with thermally hydrolyzed inoculum for domestic wastewater treatment
Nilusha, Rathmalgodage Thejani |
4 |
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24 |
Insights into the removal of microplastics from water using biochar in the era of COVID-19: A mini review
Abuwatfa, Waad H. |
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25 |
Insights on applications of low-cost ceramic membranes in wastewater treatment: A mini-review
Sandhya Rani, S. Lakshmi |
4 |
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26 |
Integrated electrochemical-adsorption process for the removal of trace heavy metals from wastewater
Al Ali, Ayesha |
4 |
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27 |
Investigation and optimization of waste LDPE plastic as a modifier of asphalt mix for highway asphalt: Case of Ethiopian roads
Genet, Melkamu Birlie |
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28 |
Life cycle assessment of a combined cooling heating and power generation system
Chaiyat, Nattaporn |
4 |
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29 |
Material flow analysis in an integrated catfish farming system in Mekong Delta, Vietnam: A case study
Hieu, Tran Thi |
4 |
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30 |
Mechanism of dewatering porous structures with supercritical carbon dioxide
Asafu-Adjaye, Osei |
4 |
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31 |
Membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment: A review
Al-Asheh, Sameer |
4 |
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32 |
Metabolic engineering of microorganisms for urban waste valorization
Ben Tahar, Imen |
4 |
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33 |
Natural medicinal plant products as an immune-boosters: A possible role to lessen the impact of Covid-19
Islam, Sk Saruk |
4 |
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34 |
Paper-based devices as new smart analytical tools for sustainable detection of environmental pollutants
Colozza, Noemi |
4 |
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35 |
Photosynthesis-based biosensors for environmental analysis of herbicides
Antonacci, Amina |
4 |
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36 |
Plastic waste and its management strategies for environmental sustainability
Evode, Niyitanga |
4 |
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37 |
Polymeric ultrafiltration membranes modified with fly ash based carbon nanotubes for thermal stability and protein separation
Singh, Randeep |
4 |
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38 |
Potential of neem extracts as natural insecticide against fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Tulashie, Samuel Kofi |
4 |
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39 |
Power generation in white cement plants from waste heat recovery using steam-organic combined Rankine cycle
Khater, A.M. |
4 |
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40 |
Preliminary assessment of BTEX exposure levels in urban ambient air and public buses: A pilot study conducted in Paramaribo, Suriname
Doornkamp, Jelissa Lindsay |
4 |
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41 |
Preparation and modification of low-fouling ultrafiltration membranes for cheese whey treatment by membrane bioreactor
Bazrafshan, Nasim |
4 |
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42 |
Recent advances in utilization of municipal solid waste for production of bioproducts: A bibliometric analysis
Kaur, Prabhjot |
4 |
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43 |
Reduced sludge production in a polyvinyl alcohol gel-based oxic-anoxic-oxic configured pilot-scale plant
Srivastava, Ghazal |
4 |
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44 |
Reflections of COVID-19 cases in the wastewater loading of SARS-CoV-2 RNA: A case of three major cities of Gujarat, India
Srivastava, Vaibhav |
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45 |
Removal of caffeine from wastewater using electrochemical advanced oxidation process: A mini review
Raj, Rishabh |
4 |
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46 |
Removal of nitrogen, phosphate and carbon loads from slaughterhouse effluent by adsorption on an adsorbent based on Ayous sawdust (Triplochyton scleroxylon)
Djonga, Weldi Gnowe |
4 |
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47 |
Repeatable use assessment of silicon carbide as permanent susceptor bed in ex situ microwave remediation of petroleum-impacted soils
Lafaille, Ritchie |
4 |
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48 |
RETRACTED: Assessment the potential solar energy with the models for optimum tilt angles of maximum solar irradiance for Iraq
Hassan, Qusay |
4 |
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49 |
Seawater membrane distillation desalination for potable water provision on remote islands − A case study in Vietnam
Duong, Hung Cong |
4 |
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50 |
Sources of antibiotics pollutants in the aquatic environment under SARS-CoV-2 pandemic situation
Sosa-Hernández, Juan Eduardo |
4 |
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51 |
Sudan black B dye degradation in aqueous solution by Fenton oxidation process: Kinetics and cost analysis
Suhan, Md Burhan Kabir |
4 |
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52 |
Sustainable bioprocess technologies for urban waste valorization
Banerjee, Shivali |
4 |
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53 |
Sustainable practices for reduction of environmental footprint in tanneries of Pakistan
Sikander, Mehak |
4 |
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54 |
The shadow pandemic of single use personal protective equipment plastic waste: A blue print for suppression and eradication
Nghiem, Long D. |
4 |
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55 |
Toxicity evaluation of personal care and household products as silent killers on the survival of Daphnia magna
Tiwari, Archana |
4 |
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56 |
Trends and challenges in valorisation of food waste in developing economies: A case study of India
Sinha, Sujata |
4 |
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57 |
Valorization of urban waste oil by microbial conversions
Fraga, Jully L. |
4 |
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58 |
Vermifilter and zooplankton-based reactor integration as a nature-based system for wastewater treatment and reuse
Pous, Narcís |
4 |
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59 |
What do environmental advertisers Say and how does the public understand them? Contributions to education for sustainability
Campos, Natália Aparecida |
4 |
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