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1 |
Activated Coconut Charcoal as a super adsorbent for the removal of organophosphorous pesticide monocrotophos from water
Kodali, Jagadeesh |
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2 |
A decision-support framework for industrial waste management in the iron and steel industry: A case study in Southern Africa
Schoeman, Yolandi |
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3 |
An analysis to identify the important variables for the spread of COVID-19 using numerical techniques and data science
Pasha, Deepro F. |
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4 |
Antidepressants surveillance in wastewater: Overview extraction and detection
Melchor-Martínez, Elda M. |
3 |
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5 |
A preliminary assessment of forward osmosis to extract water from rumen fluid for artificial saliva
Khan, Jamshed Ali |
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6 |
Assessment of microplastic pollution in the aquatic ecosystems – An indian perspective
Vanapalli, Kumar Raja |
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7 |
Assessment of radiological hazards in the phosphate mining area of Kpogamé, Togo
Hazou, Eyakifama |
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8 |
Bioconversion of sugarcane molasses waste to high-value exopolysaccharides by engineered Bacillus licheniformis
Asgher, Muhammad |
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9 |
Characteristics of ultrafine particle emission from light-vehicle engine at city transport-speed using after-treatment device fueled with n-butanol-hydrogen blend
Yusuf, Abdulfatah A. |
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10 |
Coalescence of co-infection and antimicrobial resistance with SARS-CoV-2 infection: The blues of post-COVID-19 world
Mazumder, Payal |
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11 |
Dip coating deposition of manganese oxide nanoparticles on graphite by sol gel technique for the indirect electrochemical oxidation of methyl orange dye: Parameter’s optimization using box-behnken design
Teguia Doumbi, Romuald |
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12 |
Effects of ultrasound irradiations time over Ni–Mo/γ-Al2O3 catalyst synthesis for 1,3 – Propanediol selectively via aqueous phase reforming of glycerol
Sing Yu, Francis Wang |
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13 |
Efficacy of green alginate beads for multi-metal removal from aqueous solution
Thakur, Alok Kumar |
3 |
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14 |
Electric resistivity during electrodialytic recovery of phosphorous from sewage sludge ash
Ottosen, Lisbeth M. |
3 |
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15 |
Energy evaluation and environmental impact assessment of transportation fuels in Pakistan
Yaqoob, Haseeb |
3 |
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16 |
Environmental impact of emerging contaminants from battery waste: A mini review
Melchor-Martínez, Elda M. |
3 |
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17 |
Environmentally friendly synthesis of Cr2O3 nanoparticles: Characterization, applications and future perspective ─ a review
Ghotekar, Suresh |
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18 |
Evaluation of membranes performance for microplastic removal in a simple and low-cost filtration system
Pizzichetti, Angela Raffaella Pia |
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19 |
Exploring the potential of coffee husk as caffeine bio-adsorbent – A mini-review
Torres Castillo, Nora E. |
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20 |
Fabrication of carbonized flakes epoxy electrode using lemon rind for supercapacitor applications
Kumar, M.R. Anil |
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21 |
Fate of disposable face masks in high-solids anaerobic digestion: Experimental observations and review of potential environmental implications
Pereira de Albuquerque, Felipe |
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22 |
Fischer Tropsch water composition study from distillation process in gas to liquid technology with ASPEN simulation
Rahman, Nazeri Abdul |
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23 |
Health risk associated with consumption of arsenic contaminated groundwater in the Ganga and the Brahmaputra floodplain of India
Patel, Arbind Kumar |
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24 |
Imprints of seawater intrusion on groundwater quality and evolution in the coastal districts of south Gujarat, India
Bhagat, Chandrashekhar |
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25 |
Integrated approach in municipal solid waste management in COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives of a developing country like India in a global scenario
Ganguly, Ram Kumar |
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26 |
Kinetic and thermodynamic approaches on Rhodamine B adsorption onto pomegranate peel
Ghibate, Rajae |
3 |
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27 |
Knowledge gaps on micro and nanoplastics and human health: A critical review
O’Neill, Sandra M. |
3 |
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28 |
Microplastics as vectors of pharmaceuticals in aquatic organisms – An overview of their environmental implications
Santos, Lúcia H.M.L.M. |
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29 |
Microplastics in landfill leachates: The need for reconnaissance studies and remediation technologies
Silva, Ana L.P. |
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30 |
Microplastics in the NZ environment: Current status and future directions
De Bhowmick, Goldy |
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31 |
Microplastics pollution in the South American Pantanal
de Faria, Érika |
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32 |
Microplastic toxicity: A review of the role of marine sentinel species in assessing the environmental and public health impacts
Biamis, Christina |
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33 |
Portable microfluidic devices for in-field detection of pharmaceutical residues in water: Recent outcomes and current technological situation – A short review
Barocio, Mario E. |
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34 |
Recent progress and challenges of adsorptive membranes for the removal of pollutants from wastewater. Part II: Environmental applications
Qalyoubi, Liyan |
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35 |
Recent progress and challenges on adsorptive membranes for the removal of pollutants from wastewater. Part I: Fundamentals and classification of membranes
Qalyoubi, Liyan |
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36 |
Selection of Ca/S ratio and bed temperature for Indian lignite based CFBC boiler using simplified sulphur capture model
Naga Kishore, S. |
3 |
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37 |
Selective removal of lead ions from aqueous solutions using SiO2–MoO3: Isotherm, kinetics and thermodynamic studies
Sulejmanović, Jasmina |
3 |
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38 |
Strategies for resource recovery from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
Babu, Renju |
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39 |
Synthesis, corrosion and structural characterization of kenaf nanocellulose on Zn–ZnO-Cn electrolytic coatings of mild steel for advanced applications
Anyanwu, B.U. |
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40 |
Thrombolytic and cytotoxic activity of different bioactive extracts of E. coli
Maqsood, Munaza |
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41 |
Transport of black carbon in the presence of perchlorate in aquatic environment: A perspective of cogenerated species in the gangetic plain of India
Kumar, Manish |
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