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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Accuracy of upper respiratory tract samples to diagnose Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Savage, Helen R

4 10 p. e811-e821
2 A One Health priority research agenda for AMR Jesudason, Timothy

4 10 p. e769
3 Bacterial infection linked to endometriosis Venkatesan, Priya

4 10 p. e768
4 Correction to Lancet Microbe 2023; 4: e711–21
4 10 p. e767
5 Correction to Lancet Microbe 2023; 4: e800–10
4 10 p. e767
6 COVID-19 boosters: If everyone is at risk, no one is at risk The Lancet Microbe,

4 10 p. e757
7 Diagnostics to support the scaling up of shorter, safer tuberculosis regimens Branigan, David

4 10 p. e758-e760
8 Genomic epidemiology of syphilis in England: a population-based study Beale, Mathew A

4 10 p. e770-e780
9 Gut microbiome perturbation, antibiotic resistance, and Escherichia coli strain dynamics associated with international travel: a metagenomic analysis Worby, Colin J

4 10 p. e790-e799
10 Improving maternal outcomes through early recognition, rapid notification, and investigation of invasive GAS infection Lamagni, Theresa

4 10 p. e766
11 Introduction of chikungunya virus in coastal northeast Brazil Postigo-Hidalgo, Ignacio

4 10 p. e764
12 Mycoplasma pneumoniae: gone forever? Meyer Sauteur, Patrick M

4 10 p. e763
13 Ongoing sporadic monkeypox cases: neutralising antibody detection in asymptomatic individuals Moschese, Davide

4 10 p. e765
14 Rapid detection of monkeypox virus using a CRISPR-Cas12a mediated assay: a laboratory validation and evaluation study Low, Soo Jen

4 10 p. e800-e810
15 Resistance-minimising strategies for introducing a novel antibiotic for gonorrhoea treatment: a mathematical modelling study Reichert, Emily

4 10 p. e781-e789
16 The importance of Acinetobacter baumannii from non-human sources Castillo-Ramírez, Santiago

4 10 p. e761-e762
17 The potential of saliva as an accessible and sensitive sample type for the detection of respiratory pathogens and host immunity Laxton, Claire S

4 10 p. e837-e850
18 Towards the development of a SARS-CoV-2 variant risk assessment tool: expert consultation on the assessment of scientific evidence on emerging variants Worp, Nathalie

4 10 p. e830-e836
19 Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra on contaminated liquid cultures for tuberculosis and rifampicin-resistance detection: a diagnostic accuracy evaluation Ghebrekristos, Yonas T

4 10 p. e822-e829
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland