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                             19 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Africa CDC campaigns for continental health autonomy Adepoju, Paul

3 9 p. e650
2 A predominant genotype of azole-resistant Candida tropicalis clinical strains Tseng, Kuo-Yun

3 9 p. e646
3 Assessment of the 2021 WHO Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance mutation catalogue on an independent dataset Hall, Michael B

3 9 p. e645
4 Correction to Lancet Microbe 2022; published online May 31.
3 9 p. e649
5 Effects of therapies for Ebola virus disease: a systematic review and network meta-analysis Gao, Ya

3 9 p. e683-e692
6 Evolutionary implications of human transmission of monkeypox: the importance of sequencing multiple lesions Ulaeto, David O

3 9 p. e639-e640
7 Investigating drug resistance of Mycobacterium leprae in the Comoros: an observational deep-sequencing study Marijke Braet, Sofie

3 9 p. e693-e700
8 Investigating resistance in clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates with genomic and phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility testing: a multicentre observational study Finci, Iris

3 9 p. e672-e682
9 Low neutralisation of the omicron BA.2 sublineage in boosted individuals who had breakthrough infections Karaba, Andrew H

3 9 p. e644
10 Monkeypox: it could have been different The Lancet Microbe,

3 9 p. e638
11 New guidance for researching acute hepatitis in children Venkatesan, Priya

3 9 p. e651
12 Pathogen diversity, immunity, and the fate of infections: lessons learned from Trypanosoma cruzi human–host interactions Magalhães, Luísa M D

3 9 p. e711-e722
13 Pre-existing partner-drug resistance to artemisinin combination therapies facilitates the emergence and spread of artemisinin resistance: a consensus modelling study Watson, Oliver J

3 9 p. e701-e710
14 Projected burden and duration of the 2022 Monkeypox outbreaks in non-endemic countries Bisanzio, Donal

3 9 p. e643
15 Safety and immunogenicity of a simian-adenovirus-vectored rabies vaccine: an open-label, non-randomised, dose-escalation, first-in-human, single-centre, phase 1 clinical trial Jenkin, Daniel

3 9 p. e663-e671
16 Threat from Mycobacterium orygis-associated tuberculosis in south Asia Thapa, Jeewan

3 9 p. e641-e642
17 Threshold-free genomic cluster detection to track transmission pathways in health-care settings: a genomic epidemiology analysis Hawken, Shawn E

3 9 p. e652-e662
18 We should not underestimate the role of biofilms in persistent (chronic) bronchitis Everard, Mark Lloyd

3 9 p. e647
19 We should not underestimate the role of biofilms in persistent (chronic) bronchitis – Authors' reply Marsh, Robyn L

3 9 p. e648
                             19 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland