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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A harmonized and spatially explicit dataset from 16 million payments from the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy for 2015 Nicholas, Kimberly A.

2 4 p.
2 A review of dynamical systems approaches for the detection of chaotic attractors in cancer networks Uthamacumaran, Abicumaran

2 4 p.
3 Citizen science as a data-based practice: A consideration of data justice Christine, Debora Irene

2 4 p.
4 Geometric graphs from data to aid classification tasks with Graph Convolutional Networks Qian, Yifan

2 4 p.
5 Growing the pattern: Our first year Callaghan, Sarah

2 4 p.
6 HCGA: Highly comparative graph analysis for network phenotyping Peach, Robert L.

2 4 p.
7 Machine learning discovery of high-temperature polymers Tao, Lei

2 4 p.
8 Moving beyond “algorithmic bias is a data problem” Hooker, Sara

2 4 p.
9 Multi-omics analysis of early leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana Omidbakhshfard, Mohammad Amin

2 4 p.
10 Polymer informatics with multi-task learning Kuenneth, Christopher

2 4 p.
11 Preview of machine learning the quantum-chemical properties of metal–organic frameworks for accelerated materials discovery Callaghan, Sarah

2 4 p.
12 reval: A Python package to determine best clustering solutions with stability-based relative clustering validation Landi, Isotta

2 4 p.
13 The Medical Futurist Institute: A vision about the technological future of healthcare Meskó, Bertalan

2 4 p.
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland