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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Biodiversity conservation in China: A review of recent studies and practices Wang, Wei

2 C p.
2 Biological conversion of methane to polyhydroxyalkanoates: Current advances, challenges, and perspectives Liu, Lu-Yao

2 C p.
3 Biological remediation of acid mine drainage: Review of past trends and current outlook Rambabu, K.

2 C p.
4 Consequential fate of bisphenol-attached PVC microplastics in water and simulated intestinal fluids Wu, Pengfei

2 C p.
5 Editorial Board
2 C p.
6 Efficient adsorption of europium (III) and uranium (VI) by titanate nanorings: Insights into radioactive metal species Zheng, Maosheng

2 C p.
7 Factors related to aggravated Cylindrospermopsis (cyanobacteria) bloom following sediment dredging in an eutrophic shallow lake Li, Xiaochuang

2 C p.
8 Influence of surface properties and antecedent environmental conditions on particulate-associated metals in surface runoff Wang, Zhenyu

2 C p.
9 Predicting the future is hard, but doable Rabaey, Korneel

2 C p.
10 Quorum sensing systems regulate heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification by changing the activity of nitrogen-cycling enzymes Zhu, Ziqian

2 C p.
11 Systematic degradation mechanism and pathways analysis of the immobilized bacteria: Permeability and biodegradation, kinetic and molecular simulation Fu, Xinge

2 C p.
12 Wastewater treatment in 2050: Challenges ahead and future vision in a European context Soares, Ana

2 C p.
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland