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                             25 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A chromosome-scale genome assembly of Artemisia argyi reveals unbiased subgenome evolution and key contributions of gene duplication to volatile terpenoid diversity Chen, Hongyu

4 3 p.
2 A fast technique for visual screening of wheat haploids generated from TaMTL-edited mutants carrying anthocyanin markers Tang, Huali

4 3 p.
3 A high-quality, phased genome assembly of broomcorn millet reveals the features of its subgenome evolution and 3D chromatin organization Wang, Zhiheng

4 3 p.
4 A novel ambigrammatic mycovirus, PsV5, works hand in glove with wheat stripe rust fungus to facilitate infection Zhang, Yanhui

4 3 p.
5 Chloroplasts prevent precocious flowering through a GOLDEN2-LIKE–B-BOX DOMAIN PROTEIN module Susila, Hendry

4 3 p.
6 Combating alkaline stress with Alkaline tolerance 1, which encodes a conserved Gγ protein in multiple crops Zhang, Liang

4 3 p.
7 Comparative oxidation proteomics analyses suggest redox regulation of cytosolic translation in rice leaves upon Magnaporthe oryzae infection Chen, Xiaoyang

4 3 p.
8 Complex genetic architecture underlying the plasticity of maize agronomic traits Jin, Minliang

4 3 p.
9 Detection, regulation, and functions of RNA N 6-methyladenosine modification in plants Tang, Jun

4 3 p.
10 Dynamic responses of PA to environmental stimuli imaged by a genetically encoded mobilizable fluorescent sensor Li, Teng

4 3 p.
11 Establishment of an efficient haploid identification system by engineering anthocyanin accumulation in the wheat embryo Qi, Xiaolong

4 3 p.
12 Fast integration and accumulation of beneficial breeding alleles through an AB–NAMIC strategy in wheat Jiao, Chengzhi

4 3 p.
13 High temperature increases centromere-mediated genome elimination frequency and enhances haploid induction in Arabidopsis Ahmadli, Ulkar

4 3 p.
14 HOP co-chaperones contribute to GA signaling by promoting the accumulation of the F-box protein SNE in Arabidopsis Mangano, Silvina

4 3 p.
15 Long-distance control of potato storage organ formation by SELF PRUNING 3D and FLOWERING LOCUS T-like 1 Jing, Shenglin

4 3 p.
16 MEP pathway products allosterically promote monomerization of deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase to feedback-regulate their supply Di, Xueni

4 3 p.
17 Modeling the influence of phenotypic plasticity on maize hybrid performance Fu, Ran

4 3 p.
18 Parallel evolution of two AIM24 protein subfamilies and their conserved functions in ER stress tolerance in land plants Guan, Yanlong

4 3 p.
19 Photoperiodic flowering in Arabidopsis: Multilayered regulatory mechanisms of CONSTANS and the florigen FLOWERING LOCUS T Takagi, Hiroshi

4 3 p.
20 Pistachio genomes provide insights into nut tree domestication and ZW sex chromosome evolution Kafkas, Salih

4 3 p.
21 Prime editing-mediated precise knockin of protein tag sequences in the rice genome Li, Juan

4 3 p.
22 Single-cell and spatial multi-omics in the plant sciences: Technical advances, applications, and perspectives Yu, Xiaole

4 3 p.
23 Structural basis of DNA binding by the NAC transcription factor ORE1, a master regulator of plant senescence Chun, Inseop

4 3 p.
24 Subfunctionalization of a monolignol to a phytoalexin glucosyltransferase is accompanied by substrate inhibition Liao, Jieren

4 3 p.
25 Temperature changes in the root ecosystem affect plant functionality González-García, Mary Paz

4 3 p.
                             25 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland