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                             35 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Additive manufacturing for sustainability: A systematic literature review Agnusdei, Leonardo

4 C p.
2 A mapping towards a unified municipal platform: An investigative case study from a Norwegian municipality Ibrahim, Ahmed M.

4 C p.
3 An enhanced framework for blood supply chain risk management Cagliano, Anna Corinna

4 C p.
4 A preliminary estimate of the economic value of Iceland's terrestrial ecosystem services and opportunities for future research Cook, David

4 C p.
5 A research model for circular business models–Antecedents, moderators, and outcomes Pietrulla, Felicitas

4 C p.
6 Business Process Re-engineering in Public Administration: The case study of Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority Battilani, Claudia

4 C p.
7 Comparison Of Satellite-Correlated Crowdsourced And Geostatistical Temperature Projections For An Atlanta Heatwave Daily Snapshot: How Differences In Spatially-Variable Predictions May Be Correlated To Economic Status And Land Cover/Land Use Roberts, Allen D.

4 C p.
8 Continuous-time planning and scheduling of internal closed-loop systems in multi-stage supply chain networks with recycling trade-offs Albrecht, Wolfgang

4 C p.
9 Eco-innovation and openness: Mapping the growth trajectories and the knowledge structure of open eco-innovation Sanni, Maruf

4 C p.
10 Effect of hybrid cocoa seedlings adoption on profit efficiency in Ghana Wongnaa, Camillus Abawiera

4 C p.
11 Embodied carbon and economic cost analysis of a contemporary house design using local and reused materials Mendonca, Paulo

4 C p.
12 Energy retrofit analysis for an educational building in Mumbai Gupta, Vallary

4 C p.
13 Energy scenarios for the Faroe Islands: A MCDA methodology including local social perspectives Barney, Andrew

4 C p.
14 Environmental sustainability technologies in biodiversity, energy, transportation and water management using artificial intelligence: A systematic review Nti, Emmanuel Kwame

4 C p.
15 Farmers’ response to COVID-19 disruptions: The case of cropland allocation decision Martey, Edward

4 C p.
16 Hybrid fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework on human error factor analysis: Implications to developing optimal maintenance management system in the SMEs Velmurugan, K.

4 C p.
17 Identifying factors influencing Iranian innovation ecosystem and determining their links Javanmardi, Shiva

4 C p.
18 Integrating the sustainability aspects into the risk analysis for the manufacturing of dissimilar aluminium/steel friction stir welded single lap joints used in marine applications through a Life Cycle Assessment Di Bella, Guido

4 C p.
19 Is strategic orientation always beneficial? A meta-analysis of the relationship between innovation and business sustainability: A dynamic capabilities perspective from Malaysian insurance companies AlQershi, Nagwan Abdulwahab

4 C p.
20 Large-scale robotic extrusion-based additive manufacturing with living mycelium materials Elsacker, Elise

4 C p.
21 Life cycle and risk assessment of vinasse storage dams: A Brazilian sugar-energy refinery analysis Deutsch, Leopoldo

4 C p.
22 Logistics 4.0 toward circular economy in the agri-food sector Krstić, Mladen

4 C p.
23 Market participation of urban agriculture producers and its impact on poverty: Evidence from Ghana Bannor, Richard Kwasi

4 C p.
24 Microgrid communities: disclosing the path to future system-active communities Warneryd, Martin

4 C p.
25 Modeling enablers for blockchain adoption in the circular economy Rejeb, Abderahman

4 C p.
26 Neighborhood sustainability assessment tools: Research trends and forecast for the built environment Dawodu, Ayotunde

4 C p.
27 Overcoming the Valley of Death: A New Model for High Technology Startups Gbadegeshin, Saheed A.

4 C p.
28 “Re-engineering of a food oven for thermal sanitization of Personal Protective Equipment against Sars-CoV-2 virus” Bottani, Eleonora

4 C p.
29 Revisiting the Solow-Swan model of income convergence in the context of coffee producing and re-exporting countries in the world Kadigi, Reuben M.J.

4 C p.
30 Structural performance of hybrid fibres based concrete: Mechanical, durability and microstructural properties Swathi, Vennam

4 C p.
31 Sustainable transportation mode selection from the freight forwarder's perspective in trading with western EU countries Pajić, Vukašin

4 C p.
32 The Effects of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions on Turkey's Initiatives in Promoting Sustainable Environmental and Economic Development (Ace) Maizer, Al-Asel

4 C p.
33 The role private universities play in achieving academic, research, political, and economic sustainability in light of national strategy “Jordan's vision 2025” from the perspective of academicians Badrakhan, Sawsan Saad- Eddin

4 C p.
34 Towards a unified list of ethical principles for emerging technologies. An analysis of four European reports on molecular biotechnology and artificial intelligence Boldt, Joachim

4 C p.
35 Warehousing 4.0: A proposed system of using node-red for applying internet of things in warehousing Hamdy, Walaa

4 C p.
                             35 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland