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                             31 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessment of Salmonella spp. in feces, cloacal swabs, and eggs (eggshell and content separately) from a laying hen farm García, C.

90 7 p. 1581-1585
2 Avian necrotic enteritis: Experimental models, host immunity, pathogenesis, risk factors, and vaccine development Lee, K.W.

90 7 p. 1381-1390
3 Characterization of the low-pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus in South Korea Kim, B.-S.

90 7 p. 1449-1461
4 Cholesterol content and intramuscular collagen properties of pectoralis superficialis muscle of quail from different genetic groups Maiorano, G.

90 7 p. 1620-1626
5 Comparison between rinse and crush-and-rub sampling for aerobic bacteria recovery from broiler hatching eggs after sanitization 1 Spickler, J.L.

90 7 p. 1609-1615
6 Comparison of fatty acid, cholesterol, and vitamin A and E composition in eggs from hens housed in conventional cage and range production facilities Anderson, K.E.

90 7 p. 1600-1608
7 Comparison of shell bacteria from unwashed and washed table eggs harvested from caged laying hens and cage-free floor-housed laying hens 1 Hannah, J.F.

90 7 p. 1586-1593
8 Complementary deoxyribonucleic acid cloning of avian G0/G1 switch gene 2, and its expression and association with production traits in chicken Zeng, F.

90 7 p. 1548-1554
9 Content and uptake of minerals in the yolk of broiler embryos during incubation and effect of nutrient enrichment Yair, R.

90 7 p. 1523-1531
10 Effect of diatomaceous earth on parasite load, egg production, and egg quality of free-range organic laying hens Bennett, D.C.

90 7 p. 1416-1426
11 Effect of in ovo feeding and its interaction with timing of first feed on glycogen reserves, muscle growth, and body weight Kornasio, R.

90 7 p. 1467-1477
12 Effect of the antibiotic avilamycin on the structure of the microbial community in the jejunal intestinal tract of broiler chickens La-ongkhum, O.

90 7 p. 1532-1538
13 Effects of cold stress on nitric oxide in duodenum of chicks Zhang, Z.W.

90 7 p. 1555-1561
14 Erratum to “A simple and efficient method for preparing partially purified phosvitin from egg yolk using ethanol and salts” (Poult. Sci. 90:1096–1104) Ko, K.Y.

90 7 p. 1627
15 Estimating digestible methionine requirements for laying hens using multivariate nonlinear mixed effect models Strathe, A.B.

90 7 p. 1496-1507
16 Evaluation of Bacillus species as potential candidates for direct-fed microbials in commercial poultry Shivaramaiah, S.

90 7 p. 1574-1580
17 Evaluation of different vitamin E recommendations and bioactivity of α-tocopherol isomers in broiler nutrition by measuring oxidative stress in vivo and the oxidative stability of meat Voljč, M.

90 7 p. 1478-1488
18 Exposure assessment and process sensitivity analysis of the contamination of Campylobacter in poultry products Osiriphun, S.

90 7 p. 1562-1573
19 Feasibility of the direct application of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy on intact chicken breasts to predict meat color and physical traits De Marchi, M.

90 7 p. 1594-1599
20 High litter moisture content suppresses litter ammonia volatilization 1 Miles, D.M.

90 7 p. 1397-1405
21 Horizontal transmission of Salmonella Enteritidis in groups of experimentally infected laying hens housed in different housing systems De Vylder, J.

90 7 p. 1391-1396
22 Influence of canthaxanthin on broiler breeder reproduction, chick quality, and performance Zhang, W.

90 7 p. 1516-1522
23 Influence of different rearing systems on natural immune parameters in broiler turkeys Franciosini, M.P.

90 7 p. 1462-1466
24 Neonatal feed restriction modulates circulating levels of corticosterone and expression of glucocorticoid receptor and heat shock protein 70 in aged Japanese quail exposed to acute heat stress Soleimani, A.F.

90 7 p. 1427-1434
25 Oviductal expression of avidin, avidin-related protein-2, and progesterone receptor in turkey hens in relation to sperm storage: Effects of oviduct tissue type, sperm presence, and turkey line 1 Foye-Jackson, O.T.

90 7 p. 1539-1547
26 Physiological responses of 3 chicken breeds to acute heat stress Soleimani, A.F.

90 7 p. 1435-1440
27 Protein utilization and amino acid digestibility of canola meal in response to phytase in broiler chickens Kong, C.

90 7 p. 1508-1515
28 Salmonella contamination in shell eggs exposed to modified-pressure imaging for microcrack detection Jones, D.R.

90 7 p. 1616-1619
29 Sodium alginate oligosaccharides from brown algae inhibit Salmonella Enteritidis colonization in broiler chickens 1 Yan, G.L.

90 7 p. 1441-1448
30 Stocking density affects the growth performance of broilers in a sex-dependent fashion Zuowei, S.

90 7 p. 1406-1415
31 Structural and functional analyses of chicken liver ferritin Watanabe, M.

90 7 p. 1489-1495
                             31 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland