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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A fault warning for inter-turn short circuit of excitation winding of synchronous generator based on GRU-CNN Li, Junqing

5 2 p. 236-248
2 Data network traffic analysis and optimization strategy of real-time power grid dynamic monitoring system for wide-frequency measurements Li, Jinsong

5 2 p. 131-142
3 Development of wind-energy modeling technology and standards Wang, Cong

5 2 p. 206-216
4 Energy, economic and environmental assessment of photocatalytic methane production: a comparative case study between Japan and Malaysia Tanaka, Yudai

5 2 p. 192-205
5 Improved edge lightweight YOLOv4 and its application in on-site power system work Li, Kexin

5 2 p. 168-180
6 Medium and long-term thermal coal contract embedded reparations from the perspective of an evolutionary game Chena, Yalin

5 2 p. 181-191
7 Multi-objective microgrid optimal dispatching based on improved bird swarm algorithm Ma, Xiaoyan

5 2 p. 154-167
8 Multi-stage constant current charging strategy considering SOC intervals and voltage thresholds Zhang, Yu

5 2 p. 143-153
9 Prediction of photovoltaic power output based on different non-linear autoregressive artificial neural network algorithms Pamain, Adriano

5 2 p. 226-235
10 Statistical downscaling of numerical weather prediction based on convolutional neural networks Yang, Hongwei

5 2 p. 217-225
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland