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                             18 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Addition of Docetaxel to First-line Long-term Hormone Therapy in Prostate Cancer (STAMPEDE): Modelling to Estimate Long-term Survival, Quality-adjusted Survival, and Cost-effectiveness Woods, Beth S.

1 6 p. 449-458
2 Adjuvant Therapy in Nonmetastatic High-risk Kidney Cancer: Importance of the Timing of Postnephrectomy Imaging and Treatment Delivery Capitanio, Umberto

1 6 p. 538-539
3 A Novel Classification Proposal for Rectourethral Fistulas After Primary Treatment of Prostate Cancer Martini, Alberto

1 6 p. 510-511
4 Building an Understanding of the Value of Docetaxel Plus Hormone Therapy in Prostate Cancer: An Ever-growing Evidence Base De Abreu Lourenco, Richard

1 6 p. 459-460
5 Contents
1 6 p. iii-iv
6 Editorial Board
1 6 p. i-ii
7 Familial Urinary Bladder Cancer with Other Cancers Yu, Hongyao

1 6 p. 461-466
8 From Clinical Trials to Real-life Clinical Practice: The Role of Immunotherapy with PD-1/PD-L1 Inhibitors in Advanced Urothelial Carcinoma Hussain, Syed A.

1 6 p. 486-500
9 Incidence, Risk Factors, and Outcomes for Rectal Injury During Radical Prostatectomy: A Population-based Study Barashi, Nimrod S.

1 6 p. 501-506
10 Management of Local Kidney Cancer Relapse Zlatev, Dimitar V.

1 6 p. 524
11 Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cost-effectiveness in Active Surveillance: More a Belief than Evidence Mottet, Nicolas

1 6 p. 484-485
12 Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Does Not Increase the Morbidity of Radical Cystectomy: A 10-year Retrospective Nationwide Study Salminen, Antti P.

1 6 p. 525-530
13 Phase 2 Multicenter Trial of Heterogeneous-dosing Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Low- and Intermediate-risk Prostate Cancer: 5-year Outcomes Fuller, Donald B.

1 6 p. 540-547
14 Rectal Injury During Radical Prostatectomy: Focus on Robotic Surgery Canda, Abdullah Erdem

1 6 p. 507-509
15 Sequencing of Taxanes and New Androgen-targeted Therapies in Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer: Results of the International Multicentre Retrospective CATS Database Delanoy, Nicolas

1 6 p. 467-475
16 Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer Detected via Prostate-specific Membrane Antigen Positron Emission Tomography Kneebone, Andrew

1 6 p. 531-537
17 Systematic Review of the Management of Local Kidney Cancer Relapse Kriegmair, Maximilian C.

1 6 p. 512-523
18 The Role of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Active Surveillance for Men with Low-risk Prostate Cancer: A Cost-effectiveness Modeling Study Patel, Sejal

1 6 p. 476-483
                             18 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland