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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A path forward for the translational development of aqueous zinc-ion batteries Shang, Yuan

7 2 p. 244-250
2 Building artificial aligned nanochannels for highly efficient ion transport Wang, Miao

7 2 p. 251-253
3 Decoupling, quantifying, and restoring aging-induced Zn-anode losses in rechargeable aqueous zinc batteries Pu, Shengda D.

7 2 p. 366-379
4 Dimerized small-molecule acceptors enable efficient and stable organic solar cells Sun, Cheng

7 2 p. 416-430
5 Future demand for electricity generation materials under different climate mitigation scenarios Wang, Seaver

7 2 p. 309-332
6 In operando investigations of oscillatory water and carbonate effects in MEA-based CO2 electrolysis devices Moss, Asger B.

7 2 p. 350-365
7 In situ crosslinking-assisted perovskite grain growth for mechanically robust flexible perovskite solar cells with 23.4% efficiency Wu, Yeyong

7 2 p. 398-415
8 Interfacial α-FAPbI3 phase stabilization by reducing oxygen vacancies in SnO2−x Lee, Jung Hwan

7 2 p. 380-397
9 Passivation strategies for mitigating defect challenges in halide perovskite light-emitting diodes Shen, Xinyu

7 2 p. 272-308
10 Speeding up risk capital allocation to deliver net-zero ambitions Greig, Chris

7 2 p. 239-243
11 Stepwise photoassisted decomposition of carbohydrates to H2 Ren, Puning

7 2 p. 333-349
12 Toward commercialization with lightweight, flexible perovskite solar cells for residential photovoltaics Holzhey, Philippe

7 2 p. 257-271
13 Visualizing the reaction interface of lithium-mediated nitrogen fixation Jiang, Haifeng

7 2 p. 253-256
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland