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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessing the dimensionality of the Student School Engagement Survey: Support for a multidimensional bifactor model Inman, Richard A.

25 2 p. 109-118
2 Connections between bullying victimization and satisfaction/frustration of adolescents' basic psychological needs Menéndez Santurio, José Ignacio

25 2 p. 119-126
3 Early intervention in the lexical organization of pupils with developmental language disorders Acosta Rodríguez, Víctor M.

25 2 p. 150-157
4 Educational and wellbeing outcomes of an anxiety and depression prevention program for adolescents García-Escalera, Julia

25 2 p. 143-149
5 Intrinsic motivation and perceived utility as predictors of student homework engagement Rodríguez, Susana

25 2 p. 93-99
6 Mediator and moderator effect of resilience between self-efficacy and burnout amongst social and legal sciences faculty members Galindo-Domínguez, Héctor

25 2 p. 127-135
7 Mothers’ motivational beliefs and children's learning purpose for doing homework: The mediate effects of autonomy support and control Valdés-Cuervo, Angel Alberto

25 2 p. 100-108
8 Multilevel latent class cluster analysis of school climate: individual, family and community factors Galvez-Nieto, José Luis

25 2 p. 85-92
9 Promoting school success through mindfulness-based interventions in early childhood Moreno-Gómez, Alfonso

25 2 p. 136-142
10 Reading rate in Spanish-speaking students: A meta-analysis Ripoll Salceda, Juan C.

25 2 p. 158-165
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland