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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Assessing the SARS-CoV-2 threat to wildlife: Potential risk to a broad range of mammals Martínez-Hernández, Fernando

18 4 p. 223-234
2 Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Campo Rupestre: A road map for the sustainability of the hottest Brazilian biodiversity hotspot Fernandes, G. Wilson

18 4 p. 213-222
3 Diet of invasive cats, rats and tegu lizards reveals impact over threatened species in a tropical island Gaiotto, Juliana Vallim

18 4 p. 294-303
4 Effects of riparian deforestation on benthic invertebrate community and leaf processing in Atlantic forest streams Silva-Araújo, Monalisa

18 4 p. 277-282
5 Emerging threats linking tropical deforestation and the COVID-19 pandemic Brancalion, Pedro H.S.

18 4 p. 243-246
6 Fragment size and the disassembling of local bird communities in the Atlantic Forest: A taxonomic and functional approach Oliveira, Helon Simões

18 4 p. 304-312
7 Habitat modification mediates the strength of trophic cascades on oak trees Chan, Angela A.Q.

18 4 p. 313-318
8 Human carnivory as a major driver of vertebrate extinction Coimbra, Zulmira H.

18 4 p. 283-293
9 Negative results provide valuable evidence for conservation Wood, Kevin A.

18 4 p. 235-237
10 Sarcoptic mange: An emerging threat to Chilean wild mammals? Montecino-Latorre, Diego

18 4 p. 267-276
11 The fate of endemic birds of eastern Brazilian mountaintops in the face of climate change Hoffmann, Diego

18 4 p. 257-266
12 Use of unfenced highway underpasses by lowland tapirs and other medium and large mammals in central-western Brazil Abra, Fernanda Delborgo

18 4 p. 247-256
13 Vegetation misclassification compromises conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Atlantic Forest ironstone outcrops Silveira, Fernando A.O.

18 4 p. 238-242
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland