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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Model of Collaborative Governance for Community-based Trophy-Hunting Programs in Developing Countries Ullah, Inayat

18 3 p. 145-160
2 Biased research generates large gaps on invertebrate biota knowledge in Brazilian freshwater ecosystems Barros, Graciele de

18 3 p. 190-196
3 Invasion by a non-native willow (Salix × rubens) in Brazilian subtropical highlands Sühs, Rafael Barbizan

18 3 p. 203-209
4 Landscape changes decrease genetic diversity in the Pallas’ long-tongued bat Collevatti, Rosane G.

18 3 p. 169-177
5 Level-2 ecological integrity: Assessing ecosystems in a changing world Martin, Charles A.

18 3 p. 197-202
6 Opportunities to close the gap between science and practice for Marine Protected Areas in Brazil Mills(), Morena

18 3 p. 161-168
7 Sugarcane: Brazilian public policies threaten the Amazon and Pantanal biomes Lima, Mendelson

18 3 p. 210-212
8 Unravelling effects of grazing intensity on genetic diversity and fitness of desert vegetation Pelliza, Y. Ivón

18 3 p. 178-189
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland