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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ambient carbon monoxide and cardiovascular mortality: a nationwide time-series analysis in 272 cities in China Liu, Cong

2 1 p. e12-e18
2 Carbon emissions and public health: an inverse association? Bi, Peng

2 1 p. e8-e9
3 Cognition, heuristics, and biases behind environment-related behaviours Riva, Silvia

2 1 p. e11
4 Do air quality alerts benefit public health? New evidence from Canada Samet, Jonathan M

2 1 p. e6-e7
5 Effect of air quality alerts on human health: a regression discontinuity analysis in Toronto, Canada Chen, Hong

2 1 p. e19-e26
6 Research on climate change, health inequities, and migration in the Caribbean Cloos, Patrick

2 1 p. e4-e5
7 Scientific opportunities for food and nutrition security Fears, Robin

2 1 p. e2-e3
8 The carbon footprint of Australian health care Malik, Arunima

2 1 p. e27-e35
9 The natural environment and emergence of antibiotic resistance The Lancet Planetary Health,

2 1 p. e1
10 Use of physiological evidence for heatwave public policy Jay, Ollie

2 1 p. e10
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland